
I also watched. I don't play games, but I was curious if the busy work they did with the controllers appeared to be genuine at all?

HAHA! I did the same thing. I think I will be sorry by next weekend.

For sure, my statement is a very general statement. Thank GOD for exceptions to the rule!

In a way that is the greatest service ever for avoiding the social media douchebags! I'd rather know whom to stay away from and how far away they are to keep out of their orbit. Those who are 21 and under have an excuse: they're too young to know shit. But anyone over 22 still pulling that shit is just a bloody defect.

I'm the fly in the (gay) ointment then. HAHA! I'm not interested in dating someone who looks like me. I never have been. I hope that doesn't mean I'm interpreted as 'self-loathing', but I find opposites do make things more interesting, if not just attract.

Having lived in LA, Seattle and Sacramento (yeah, not quite SF, but I spent a LOT of time there as well), your perspective certainly has merit.

That's likely and a good point. But its also pretty plain he's not smiling about the '77' either. As a matter of fact, he looks at the professor like he wants to talk about why his score isn't higher.

I know!! It's such a strange conclusion. Its like even if one assumes he's gay he's still some kind of pedophile. Really odd and disturbing logic here….

Even if Matt's gay, its a weird situation. It's more likely he's horribly lonely. But, the reveal here must be super specific, because just about any explanation won't be satisfactory for me.

I was thinking they might eventually invite him to join in since they have no hesitation doing it with him wide awake. And, I think she does protest too much about him…

Yeah, my first Economics test blindsided me! I was ready to change majors after that one exam; I thought I knew what I was doing. It takes time to adjust and learn how to study for college courses whether or not one did well in HS.

I agree! I thought it was a step in the right direction for Lip!

Yeah, I agree about the spooning. I don't know where they're headed with that, but I have a feeling it won't work for me no matter where they end up.

I didn't think the '77' was all that bad for Lip. Didn't he get a 'D' on the previous paper for that other class?? I mean, its a 'C', and not an 'A', but he's moving the right direction. He does need to learn time management to get better grades, but that's just part of learning how to study for college.

Oh, thats interesting. I just never have ordered/bought that flavor, I suppose.

Good point! Its just another way to keep things as impersonal as possible.

Oh, really? I thought it was some boughie, decaf, LA invention. I'm a tea drinker, not a coffee guy and I was surprised I'd never heard of it.

Patrick clearly needs some seasoning.

I'm so with you ICP! I can't shit on it for others, but for me, I'm already so not down with that thing.

Grindr is a shame. Really, it just is.