


So like a Friday the 13th kind of slasher genre?

So glad this shit show is over. That was the looooongest 13 episodes of my life!

Big fan of Clear and Present Danger too.

Saw it for $4. For that price I would even go to a B-.

I just saw a double-bill screening of a lost silent movie by Hitchcock called 'The Pleasure Garden' and 'Stage Fright' at the Aero/American Cinematheque in Santa Monica. What fun!!

*High Five Bisexual Clap*!!

You had me at "summer classic movies at the old downtown movie palaces…"!

Based on your posts, ICP, you've got your head screwed on straight! I wish I could have said as much at your age.

Hmm. Maybe it's a case of growing up here and not seeing the forest for the trees. Perhaps I need to follow one of those groups and get some education about what is fascinating about it.

Most certainly!

I think while he's not an 'asshole' he is pretty careless with his words and attitude. He's doesn't appear very concerned about how his words affect those around him; he's clueless, in fact. He has some growing up to do, even at 29.

In the US it's a thing. I think that for some reason, whether its a health concern or, honestly, what porn mostly showcases, uncut penises seem to be a premium here. (And young people who see porn get their 'education' from it for better or worse — mostly worse.)

Really?! Wow, I just never have. I like some of the old architecture downtown, but there's not enough of it left to get me to do flips about it. To me, basing an entire character around loving it just seems like a stretch to me.

Except that De Palma's gender politics are pretty shallow. HAHA! I'm not sure what he would bring to a story about gay people and not have it come off as utter camp or crap.

QAF (US version) was, imo, fantasy bullshit that sometimes made a pass at real world problems. And, while I have no problems with fantasy in my TV shows, it got old after a while that they lived in a universe where EVERY ONE was hot and gay, and if they weren't gay at first glance, they soon would be.

I agree with Scrawler for the most part. At your age don't waste time worrying about when, or even whether, you'll find the 'right' one. Concentrate on being the best person you can be and the rest will come in due time.

My biggest gripe about 'Summer' was that the male lead would find L.A. such a beautiful architectural wonder. Really?! LA?!?! Look, I was born here, but its not the most beautiful city in the country. Hell, its not even the most beautiful city on the west coast….or California!

Seattle and SF share a LOT of similarities! I love both cities and am sad to currently be living in my third choice on the list: LA.