
'Humorless douche' is the operative phrase. Honestly, I NEVER have liked him, but even I can see he truly is taking himself way too seriously these days.

So what are we to feel when it turns out the Techy Pencil Pusher guy is the leak that Red has told them about? I mean, at this point he's the ONLY free gun left — does he actually shoot/wound Anslo to keep from being outed??

Not on my TV!! This is Amurrakah!!

I agree. Shouldn't at least ONE of them be funny?

I agree in principle, although I think even bringing in characters from the movies will elevate the feel of the show that much more. Even if its just Thunderbolt Ross or Pepper Potts, they need to incorporate the characters we already know to expand interest from those who just know the movies at this point.

I think this article really lays out the case for why this show is failing (dramatically — I don't know about ratings-wise, although I suspect its similarly failing…)

And I LOVED Enlightened! Like that show, I will have to marinate in it for a few episodes before I can judge for myself.

If he's planning on inhabiting the place he'd better start caring. That's what a leader would do.

Interesting because I didn't 'like' it either, because it was so fucking (seemingly) real. I don't think I really out and out laughed because every time I started to, it was immediately cut with a sadness that just made me feel 'icky' about it. That probably makes it 'brilliant' because it does occupy both camps so

Thats EXACTLY what scares me about this show….

Well, care or not, I would hope he'd take a few seconds to think about what life might be like inside the prison IF he does use it. That would be kind of the 'leader' thing to do, right? Unless he's not planning on moving in and just wants to make it uninhabitable for the current residents, but that seems different

Plus, its SO damn close to the dock that should any other group member happen by they'd likely see Pete down there too! But maybe the Gov had already decided he'd be moving them on from there. I dunno, I guess it was simply done for that one 'cool' shot since we know he likes to keep pickled zombie trophies.

You're right. Very sloppy review.

Well they'd be fools to use it (The Gov's group that is.) Because if they start knocking holes in the fences and walls, will it be worth inhabiting afterwards?! Wouldn't the point of taking the thing be moot after that??

I agree its a very open question — one I hope the show answers at some point.

I have faith they'll provide other sticky wickets for us to get involved in. I do mourn the loss of Richard as well.

John Hamm?

I agree. Although in my case it could have been diminished expectations. But I will say he can read cue cards very well without looking completely displaced.

Same with the Pet Hospital skit as on the west coast airing there was a very odd (and rare) mistake where the sketch started over again immediately with audio that didn't match before jump cutting to the middle of the Bug Interview sketch. I don't think I have ever seen such an A/V mistake before on the show.

As Judy Garland used to say (per Liza): "If you don't like your past, change it! It's YOUR past, after all!"