
Okay, now you've given me some ideas for Gay Fan Romance fiction! Thanks!!

Would have been great if he got shot, looked off-camera and muttered 'AGAIN?' and died.

In a way, I am happy to say that race seems to not play a role in this shit show.

I didn't see it as a trick. Linda is just damn stupid. Why listen to kids who have been dealing with it for days already? They're just kids!! POW!!

Junior would snap Joe in half. He's got moron strength.

Why would they change a thing? Ratings success trumps artistic success to the networks.

This show actually makes me defensive about the book. The people on the show are WAY WAY more moronic than 90% of the people in the book. It's an insult to morons, this show.

If nothing else, LOST shows how difficult it is to craft a show built around various mysteries and keep people even intermittently interested. UTD couldn't even maintain interest for one full season.

I did the EXACT same thing. I don't want to wait until next summer to remember to do it when it asks to change the channel to get back to this wreck of a show.

While this show is probably the most racially diverse show on TV right now (taking place in MAINE, mind you) race is completely inconsequential on the show. There is NOTHING even skin deep on this show, and that includes racial politics.

I also howled at Linda's reaction to Big Jim's wife having prognosticated (originated?) the phrase 'Pink stars are falling' before she died. Linda says 'Maybe its a coincidence.' Jay-Cry, woman!! Holy SHIT the dialogue in this shit show is, well, shit. I am done, fin, gone, adios suckers! Sorry to contradict you Mr

He's also a young MLK in "Boycott" (2001). An amazing portrayal, too.

He was fantastic in the late great AMC show, 'Rubicon'. That show deserved a second season. This one doesn't.

Hell, it only took ten tries!

Not to crap on Aaron's masterful series performance, Noah Segen would have also made a fine Jesse.

Wright is most underrated.

Thats AMC choosing to do that too! They are technically not under the same rules as the broadcast networks, but they play along.

I prefer "C" level shows too. These "A" shows just take too much out of me! ;-)

Yeah, some people really don't like that character and respond VERY negatively to her.

Sorry, I think Sloan is one of the best things about this middling show. I think she's one of the few people who can master the delivery of those 'ornate' lines.