
This show isn't in the same UNIVERSE as Breaking Bad. Nor does it have a passing knowledge of reality.

I really, really agree, Steevo! THIS WAS HORRIBLE! The writing is third year high school level and is plummeting quickly. You hit on about all the crappy parts I care to remember.

I thought it was just an HBO movie until I looked on imdb. Wow, what a get for HBO! (fingers crossed!!)

"And Ray Donovan!" - a masochist.

Finish strong! (even if the show doesn't!)

Margaret is a bore. She can stay in NYC and show up every third episode or so. Fine by me!

Thank you! I couldn't recall which Coen Bros movie it was, but I knew he was well used by them as well. Poor guy always seems to get the most intimidating customers.

"Are you all crazy?! I was here last week and he didn't get out of the cockadoodie car!!" — Annie Wilkes, 'Misery'

"Are you all crazy?! I was here last week and he didn't get out of the cockadoodie car!!" — Annie Wilkes, 'Misery'

Yeah, unless they kill ALL the nazis..and Todd..they're not going to be alright. I don't think any of those gangster bitches would let Hank or Gomie live.

Well we've already seen that Todd is quick to pull out his pistol and kill someone.

"Are you all crazy?! I was here last week and he didn't get out of the cockadoodie car!!" — Annie Wilkes, 'Misery'

Well he never was much of a body man, was he?

Trust me, as a gay man, I would FUND that experiment.

Did ANYONE notice that when they were facing the 'big' dome and you could see the path of the dome's edge that there was a power pole with a line that CLEARLY was running from one side of the dome to the other?! It's right next to the split in half post office box. Man, did someone forget to Photoshop that in post or

Perfect analogy.

Its the most diverse Maine on the planet. Way more than the one in the US.

Yeah, in the book they had cell connection, radio and internet.

Dome would say, 'Kiss my ass, if you can find it!'

Me, too, but I am out after this season finishes. I was under the impression it was only going to be a mini-series anyway. I think it's a major mistake to go to multiple seasons.