
Unfortunately (fortunately?) no one is convinced by Koch's acting so NOBODY believes anything about what he's doing. If he were naked he couldn't convince me he was nude.

What happens when they run out of food to feed the chickens??

Dude if Americans are THIS stupid, we'd never have gotten past the discovery of electricity.

Wow, talk about not being able to accept responsibility for one's choices! And for being a shitty parent (allegedly).

Yeah, but I also noticed a box set of 'Deadwood', so that evens things out, right? ;-)

I was thinking: with Marie telling the circumspect story about what Walt did to them, it sounded very much like child abuse. 'That monster', 'the kids', 'that movie', etc. I know that if some kinds of health care practitioners hear about a potential case of child abuse they must report it (at least in CA.) I wonder if

Well, I am not saying that Woods would have played Mickey like he's playing the other character (Sully?) I have seen Woods play all of those things that Voight is doing, but Voight seems incapable of bringing real menace to his role, which I think is sorely needed for the character of Mickey. To me, Voight plays him

I don't think Mickey killed the weirdo FBI agent because of protecting Ray. It was all about knowing that NOBODY else was aware of the 'investigation' and feeling free to off the guy who was ruining Mickey's chances for actually having a life and his dreams fulfilled with his crappy movie being made (he thinks). IF it

He was angry because she compromised his (and her's) plan to get out of the country. Being that he's the #1 most wanted, its very likely her parents' calls are monitored. Chances are it wouldn't the last time, either. I didn't find it vague in the least.

This is way more likely than Tommy actually molesting the kid. After all, hes bisexual/maybe gay, not a pedophile. (They have that angle covered with Bunchy and the priests.)

Looked again. Nah, they don't step over anything/anyone. He just really obviously looks down when he notices the blood on his boot. False alarm.

My brother in law seems to think they were stepping over something/somebody in the floor of the bathroom. I am going to take another look at that scene tonight.

I really don't go for the 'this isn't like real journalism' arguments. This is fiction. It's entertainment. It's not a documentary. So, even though its in the world of journalism, veracity isn't the main ingredient here.

I agree, the last scene brought it home for me! The shitty scene was the underground parking garage meeting — THAT almost made me sick.

I feel like with Daniels, Hardin and Davis all on board, its an even bigger crying shame they didn't find a part for Gandolfini before he died (assuming this was all shot before he passed away.) We could have had a full reunion of the NY cast of 'God of Carnage'! Gandolfini would have made a great CIA man who reams

I'm not a teenage guy, but a gay man and I can tell you that I also LOVE Olivia Munn on this show. She's really good at handling Sorkin's dialogue and she's a much better actress than anything else she's done would have predicted.

I know the reviewer and some of the posters here have shit on that scene, but I fucking loved it. Yes, this show has been a disappointment for almost 1 1/2 seasons now, but I really think this and last week's show have finally gotten into gear. So, seeing a drunk, defiant Fonda give that dialogue and chew the drapes

Yeah, wtf DOES Saul pay him for??

Yes, I believe he DID even accuse Saul of lifting the cigs at that time.

It would be like the third time in the series since season two we've seen that kid at home!! HAHA!