
I assume the blood was from the coup they performed last episode.

I know, right?!

I don't think he burns the house down — while we saw in the flash forward three episodes ago, the house is abandoned and vandalized, but it didn't look burned out to me. I could be wrong though.

We'll ALL tread lightly around you now….(averts eyes)…..

I don't think she had the idea at all. Her depth of depravity is nowhere near his well of it.

I totally was expecting him to suggest Belize as a place to escape to!

Hells yeah!

Yeah, the corpse in the back was a male, but was also butchered in the same manner as the unseen woman supposedly was.

I'm with you.

Not yet. That's the real mystery, although it probably is related to the drug dealers who were looking for him in the first place. (The reviewer made a mistake here.)

Not that I am enjoying his predicament (I have enough of my own!) but it appears he needed about $10K to catch up on rent according TMZ. So, he only needed about 40 suckers to pay $250 to get that figure. WTF is the world coming to when one man can't find 40 idiots in a town chock full of them to show up?!

I must have literally dozed on the scene/line where Matthews said he was back on the force. All I recall is him being brought in/worming back in for ONE case to consult on and now, BAM, he's back in charge. I don't know, and honestly, I couldn't care less.

In the character's defense, Deb could be jealous of Hannah since she 'loves' Dexter as more than just a brother and she knows it will NEVER happen….even Dexter has limits.

I am hoping beyond hope that Quinn is the Brain Surgeon and that Niki is only at the station to trip over obvious evidence that Dexter is a murderer. We NEED some kick ass drama here, writers! With one of the next four episodes called 'Goodbye Miami' I am hoping Dexter gets found out FINALLY and is on the run.

drive-by body pierce!!

And this is MAINE we're talking about. There are more blacks, hispanics and asians on this show than in the entire state of Maine, in reality!

Oh, its a different, much worse take alright.

You hit the nail on the head on this one!

I THINK I might make it through the season, but my inclination is to bail too.
