
Well in defense of what we saw, Maggie didn't admit to anyone she was drunk. Jim is the only one who 'knew' and if he isn't saying, then….

You do realize that nobody has to ACTUALLY prove that the footage is the tell tale sign, right? Its all written in a script…..

Yeah, but that's such an obviously provable lie that it's comical in scale. It's not like the original footage doesn't exist.

I think she's the winner on this show. She handles Sorkin's dialogue pretty handily.

ABC TV just laid off a ton of people today. So, suck it Sorkin….I guess….

I think Bunchy is so unreliable as a person at this point that he would pick four of five priests out of a line up as his abuser.

And he DOES actually serve cookies in the White House! GO!

#4 - They have GOT to find a bigger, better bad for next season than her. She's played.

OK, I have a few questions, which might be answered in the dialogue, but I disliked the episode so much, I don't dare try to go back through it….ugh:

Mostly just stupid. He must have had a film role that he had to leave for so they essentially wrote him out of the last episode.


Its called 'guessing' just like the rest of us are doing. That's part of the fun of the show, imo.

Mr Hand took over for Walt when he left teaching.

Well it was a great point tonight talking about how fucked Hank is in terms of when he actually springs this on his crew. He can't hold onto all of this forever and you are right, he'll need to legally fix how he got the evidence he has right now.

Given the state of the house that Walter returns to in the near future, I doubt that Skyler keeps the status quo after everything comes out. Although, she might not realize how ugly it can get yet….she thought that she could just shoo Walt out of the house and carry on normally too.


And Hank has got to know the state can't compel her to testify against Walt, so probably anything she told him in the restaurant would be challenged by their lawyer.

Maybe, but having the cops show up and haul you off for kidnapping isn't going to be a great start getting this ball rolling if Hank wants to make it stick.

Is Walt Jr/Flynn on vacation in Belize?! Where does that kid get off to?

Well it was Breitbart's site, but he didn't write the story, it was someone named 'Ben Shapiro'.