
To harass the people. Even though its fraudulent, its not illegal that I know of. But the police can essentially come to wag a finger and make up a 'disturbing the peace' bullshit claim.

We don't know exactly who got fired yet. Also remember when the lawyer introduced herself to Maggie by saying 'your employer hired me to….'?

@Tute, you are correct about WND, though. Todd called it "Sorkin’s worst conservative stereotype baiting", but IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED! Last year one of the Brietbart-influenced sites ran a story where they focused on some fictitious group that the source was being facetious about. This is the kind of journalism we get

And then they have the nerve to get indignant when the kids are caught! Awful people.

OMG, just saw this in IMDB:
The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia

Honestly, aren't they the worst parents ever? The story tries to show them having fits of concern here and there, but mostly the kids seem to fend for themselves most of the time and make horrible decisions in horrible places they're not supposed to be. This goes to the review's comments about scenes not easily

I agree. When Sean insisted it be a holding deal, that implied money for doing nothing, i.e. a rolling payoff. Even if Mickey doesn't get/care what it is in reality, it satisfies his idea of being in the movie business.

Tell me in what world can someone steal shoes, get caught and booked and walk out (on bail?) wearing the shoes she stole?! HUH???

The funeral killed the episode for me. And it went on and on and on as though someone said ,fuck it, no script just let the actors go!

ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY!! I really am perturbed they spent all that time on a character who was, at MOST, a semi-minor character. Did they just want to burn some film and get him some more scenes that added NOTHING to his story?! And that goddamned singing. Just like the old bigot in the front of the funeral 'What was the

You're so right! I cannot believe the grades are as high as they are for this train wreck of an episode. I HATED that they spent so much time on a semi minor character that NOBODY ever gave a shit about in the first place!! GODDAMN what a tremendous waste of time. The vampire stuff was alright, but with the constant

Though he's not given a lot to do, Will is one of the funniest things about the movie. His American accent is one of the best I have ever heard on film here. And his commitment on that TLC rap was fantastic!

And he has one of the most credible American accents, too. Though he didn't get a lot to do, he was one of the best things about this two-hour, R-rated sitcom.

SO right! I am shocked Helms didn't force them to showcase him playing the guitar and singing in this movie. Fuck, do hate when he shoe horns that into a performance.

Skip, thats called a "CBS rape". Remember, grandma is watching this station at all times!

I was trying to be nice since she's a minor, but you broke the seal now.

And where the hell did that guy come from? He refers to Big Jim as a 'townie'. Well, you're there too you big galoot!

This is CBS after all, network of the elderly.

Gay people MUST be punished somehow. Happy gays = dead gays.

I wouldn't worry about the alien spoiler as King said in an essay a couple of weeks ago that they changed the source of the dome from the book. (Although, that 'alien egg' set up looked pretty, well, alien to me….)