
I assume it was to run generators…..? But, yeah…huh??

Not for nothing, but I do have a friend in her 40s (OK, older than Sloan) who has not seen 'Titanic' for the same reason Sloan gave: she knows it won't end well and doesn't want to see it. Yes, those people exist.

'Ray Donovan' isn't any better that 'Dexter' or 'True Blood' yet.

I agree about Terry/Eddie. Its a shame this show doesn't put him more front and center.

At this point he might be the ONLY one to save this show. (I think I wished they'd hired him to play Mickey….)

DEFINITELY go see it!

There was what I would call 'nervous' laughter because it was so inappropriate. I thought it was certainly a 'drama' through and through.

He wasn't that smooth.

Blanchett gives a performance worthy of the accolades. Clay is used just the right way in the right amount.

I agree, Husbands and Wives is a major Allen favorite of mine. (As is 'Deconstructing Harry'.) Pollack deserved a nomination, he was so real.

Oh, trust me, this has a world class neurotic in it. Cate's 'Jasmine' total fucking mess. You'll LOVE her!

And then having him writhe around in pain was a strange choice. Usually if there's stomach discomfort barfing relieves it. Unless there's something else at play here….


Yes. Yes, you are.

Boston accents seem to be favored by Irish and British actors a lot (as it is on this show by Irish actress Paula Malcomson and British actor Eddie Marsan.)

Yeah, but I don't question why Pam is doing what she's doing, its his reaction that seems like a shift from what we've seen previously. Especially when he believes vamps are highly sexual as it is. It's just inconsistent, is all.

Can someone please explain this sudden shift in the psychologist's attitude towards Pam in this episode?? He was seemingly uninterested and professional during the earlier sessions with Pam, but now he's unable to withstand her power — even though we have to assume he's not being glamored…..

No, he did it this episode. It was just a bit more subtle than usual. And, its not a voluntary thing, btw.

You probably should have started with 'The Dead Zone' or 'The Tommyknockers' if you like sci-fi instead of horror.

You didn't miss a thing with 'Haunting in Connecticut'. That movie was awful. 'Sinister', on the other hand, I thought was really effective (with a terrible ending, though.)