
Plus with similar casting (one, Patrick Wilson, is in both movies) and the same director, it would probably create confusion. I think its already going to be interesting that both movies come out within two months of each other. How many times do you see directors do that these days?

Book was a lot more fun, much darker and had a ton more characters. This show is a CBS/pale (Paley?) comparison.

My guess is it's written by a non-Catholic. I am not Catholic and have no idea there's a difference between 'immaculate conception' and 'virgin birth'. I thought the former lead to the latter. I just have a pagan's sketch of what the difference might even be.

Yeah, but it was so badly acted I laughed after vomiting in my mouth.

6) Mentality of a thirteen year old

TOTALLY agree about Voight and the character. I would prefer if the actor and the role were more in the background.

Other than what Mickey did to the priest in the first episode, I keep waiting for some really violent action on his part. Like when he was at the house, I kept expecting he was going to be violent with the ex's husband. But, no, he stands around like a statue. All this tough talk so far has resulted in no real threat

This show reminds me of another Showtime drama, 'Shameless', not in terms of subject or text, but in terms of how muddled and unfocused it seems. Yet, I can't walk away from it! 'Shameless' is probably the bigger mess because it unsuccessfully mixes comedy and drama so much, but this show also has problems with not

It did seem that way, didn't it?!

I sure as hell HOPE so! Damn, James was FINE!

Right. Dead don't stay dead in Bon Temps!

No, he deserved it. Boooooring.

I'd never seen that character before and it was bloody hilarious to me. More Fabrice, please!

I agree, Marsan is the treat in this Jacker Crack box.

I agree, thus far, this show is really muddled. I can't really find a cohesive POV yet, either. As the reviewer wrote, there are many moments where the viewer feels: "This is significant, but I cannot tell you how."

Its not as bad as 'Episodes' though!

I read that as Grandpa doesn't really know shit about how diseases get spread.

Voight's still too cartoonish for me. Full of tics and cliches for now. Maybe they'll attempt to make him human later on.

Bill made just as big a miscalculation with his progeny as Eric did by leaving Jessica alone so long with the vampire-catnip known as Fairy!

My guess is CBS won't have a dark, complicated anti-hero to follow on the show a la 'Breaking Bad' (ironically) or 'The Sopranos'. His killing that guy (IF he actually killed him himself) will be totally justified when we find out how it happened.