
I weep for an 'Incredibles' sequel or prequel. I wish they'd leave their hits alone and move on to new ones. (Of course Disney feels otherwise.) Or at least leave the add-ons to DVD only releases. That way I'd never have to know about them.

First of all, I DON'T want a season where we get normal growing babies! YUCK! Seeing Andy with infants would be amazingly boring. At least this way, they'll be teens by mid-season and maybe interesting in the least.

As I said, it wasn't very common. Texans (where my family is from), and Puerto Ricans in 1968 still don't make it common.

I think introducing the idea of Tom's overwhelming fear/distrust of cats keeps him from being too much of a straight man. He's got his own set of idiosyncrasies.

Its so funny/odd how my brain fills in the details of Monk's face so that I think I actually see specific expressions on it.

Yeah we could also do without a self-serving, self-congratulatory 'critic' writing about how clever he is to figure out twists before everyone else. Doesn't he realize what a cliche that makes him? Pathetic.

I, likewise, don't think that Bob loves Pete, even if he did before. For me, when Bob is speaking Spanish on the phone (presumably to Manolo), that communicated a commitment to Manolo that says they're together. Obviously there is much more to learn about Bob (maybe he spent time out of the country?) but if he took

The kid's no Brando, but he's getting better as he ages. He doesn't ruin scenes like Sophia Coppola did when she attempted acting.

Pete vs Layne. Distant second is Danny vs Roger's nuts, though that was hardly a 'fight'. HAHA!

Bert thought he meant Ben Wa balls.

I actually took it more like he was so longing for what he just blew with his daughter to be in her bed, but it could have been Bobby's.

Sterling has NO idea how much Lee would have enjoyed him handling his balls!

I agree, Peggy is making another really poor choice. Ted, I feel, is not even thinking about leaving his family and Peggy seems to be hoping he will at some point. She's not keeping her eyes open at all.

I think they did the fetal position twice in this episode didn't they? Isn't that the position Megan finds him in at the very beginning of the show?

Well they even had origin story elements/explanations in 'Superman Returns' that was unnecessary. ENOUGH already!

I hate to do this, because the movie was terrible otherwise, but they should simply do a synopsis over the credits like 'The Incredible Hulk' did. Brought us right up to speed in about 3 minutes, if that, and we all knew where we were starting and what the context was.

Do you mean the SECOND reboot? Because the Amazing Spider-Man STILL spent too much of its running time showing him getting his powers. Lets HOPE that next reboot (in 2022?) is bold enough to just tell a new story.

When, oh when will they make a decent REBOOT that doesn't go over the same tired origin story bulls**t?! We KNOW who he is, we know what he does, let's get to a new story already! They can do all the origin re-cap during the opening credits and we'd be good, imo.

Listen for it specifically as they end their sentences; they tend to sound like 60 year old smokers and their inflection will go up as though they've asked a question when they've just made a statement. Its odd, but very prevalent these days.

Van Der Beek's forehead is WAY too big for that role.