
One of the odder points to this plot is that the 12 hours they get to go wilding about is from 7pm to 7am. Wouldn't it make more sense to do it during the daylight hours? I know, I know, no use asking questions like this in a scatterbrained movie like this was.

Well, in this movie, it appears that it would be so Draconian the rest of the year, you'd dare not step out of line. But, yeah, I get your point. It's totally valid.

Its really a very small role — not worth seeing if that's what attracts you.

And the way they CONSTANTLY remain splintered all over the house — by choice, mind you — was so ridiculous that it was downright distracting.

OK, let me restate: the first half hour was DULL.

I don't think we know anything in this show '100%', but I think the show does try to have a close relationship with reality, and I don't see how Bob's risky pass to Pete in any way would move him up the ladder. Pete is not just a peer, he's an owner of the firm who wouldn't need much justification to shit-can the guy.

Remember in episode 7 when Joan's mother made a comment about Joan grabbing Bob, and Joan replied, 'Mother, he's not interested in me." Joan knows Bob's gay, even if he's never told her and there is zero indication they've slept together. I think Joan's happy to have him around knowing it will go nowhere; she's had

I think Ted goes down with his own plane by end of the season.

Joan knows even if Bob hasn't told her. She's too perceptive for it to have gotten past her.

I'm a gay male who thinks that Vincent is a real looker in real life. They ugly him up pretty well with the receding hairline and his ugly suits (along with his manners or lack thereof.)

I don't know the scenario, but I think Ted's doomed too.

Undetermined. Gay men can have platonic friends too.

My money is on Ted crashing his plane.

I just can not be convinced that Bob is 'putting on' being gay for some purpose that would be an advantage for him. In 1968, how would coming on to one of his bosses be a 'smart move' up the ladder?! He had zero information that Pete would be open to his advances, and to our knowledge, NOBODY in the office is

I went the same grade because of how slow the first half hour was.

I would expect the way the neighborhood is turning, it won't be easy to sell.

I think Ted might be, too.

In 1968, why would anyone think that using a homosexual pass would 'win friends and influence people'?? Do you think that it was a safe bet that Pete would immediately reciprocate? It was a really dangerous move on Bob's part. One that could easily have cost him his job.

Ted and his flying make me think of JFK, jr and the way he died flying in fog. I think they are foreshadowing something about him flying all over the place in his own plane.

Based on her cloudy grip on reality and her comments to Peggy thinking she's Trudie (Trudy?), its likely she's dreamed up that Manolo is her lover. I didn't sense that Manolo was buttering her up to get at her money or anything.