
Joan senses all. Its probably a welcome change to have a man around who isn't pawing her like a cat does catnip.

Isn't that ironic/horrible?! Wow.

Which makes it even more likely she's imagined the Manolo situation altogether. Pete should really have figured that out.

His mother will be terrified of the thought after what happened.

I had friends who suggested Bob was gay before last week, but when Ginsberg through that out and Bob didn't even flinch, I was thrown off the scent.

Ironically W ended up sending the Guard to Iraq. So much for getting out of combat.

No?? There is another Dr Chilton who is also head of the hospital later on? Or are you just talking about the actor? I know that its a different actor.

I thought it was because the neurologist wasn't going to hold that information from Will for much longer — it was VERY unethical.

Gideon didn't kill that amputated victim, Hannibal/The Chesapeake Ripper did. Remember Will pointing that out?

Great catch! I will look out for that.

But, to be clear, Gideon was never mentioned in the book and we know that Chilton survived the operation. There really isn't a reason for it to be brought up in the books, unless it explains a little more about how quickly Chilton ran into hiding once Lecter escaped. I could see him being a bit more skittish about

All symptoms of the encephalitis.

Well if the show sticks to the established lore, Freddie doesn't die until The Tooth Fairy shows up, and I don't think we'll see that in this series. On the other hand, like the recent Star Trek reboots, they could change the timeline at any time.

I have fallen in love with Monk. (The puppet, not the USA series…)

I feel exactly the same way. A little too much David Brent there. But, still funny.

Yeah, but the quality sucks.

Me too. His sputtering rant is always a high point of the show for me.

I took it as an illustration of how deeply steeped he is in the 'self-help', how to succeed in business culture that was just starting up in the 60s. In the 70s he'll probably be into EST, TM and the like. That is if he's not in prison for murder by then….creepo.

All hash-induced fever dream. Although, to be honest, does hash lead to fever dreams and hallucinations??

Plus, Roger was wet when Don came back to reality.