
Yeah, I didn't buy that point in the review either.

I have had this conversation with my friends about this, and I think as long as its kept in the 'creative' area, they'd allow it. You don't see them walking around with it or around clients, but either just in the creative 'bullpen' or inside someone's office. I doubt you'll see it upstairs in any of the 'Accounts'

It was great to see that tight-ass take a sorely needed hit.

ANOTHER reason to not watch that Godforsaken shit show!

I am not sure how to react to a specific answer to a specific prayer like this. Ooof!!

I think the people from 'Last Comic Standing' are getting more work after the show than the contestants on 'American Idol', no?

Believe me, if this same standard was used for shows shot in and around Los Angeles, NOTHING would get an 'A'.

Some kind of pulley system, perhaps?

Umm, that I can not agree with.

The movers and shakers in Hollywood always seem to revert back to the default position after hits prove them wrong (like 'Bridesmaids' brought out men and women in huge numbers, but it was still a 'woman's pic'.) Oddly, its still 1969 in Hollywood boardrooms.

BEST of friends!

When it came out that Rock was gay, I had an older co-worker who was inconsolable! She just couldn't believe 'that man' was gay!

How dare you!! Get 'Community' off this list!! It's officially coming back. Heinous! ;-)

Thank God we got Creed doing the song instead of Andy for once! Way, way more effective with him doing it. 

And got three whole lines. It seemed an afterthought and, frankly, unnecessary.

I am going to miss 'Hannibal' if they tank it. Thus far its been interesting, frustrating, shocking, beautiful and more atmospheric than ANYTHING else on commercial broadcast TV. I'd hate to see it shelved, even if it feels like it does cross some lines now and again.

I am worried they won't, but one friend of mine in the know says that there is a lot foreign backing money in this production, so it might make it cheap for NBC to stick with it even if the ratings are low.

Well whoever the FUCK fired him, I hope they reconsider. Better??

My hope is that the NBC execs that shitcanned Harmon have/will move on so that Harmon can be brought back without any shame whatsoever. (I know, I know, but I am shooting for the moon today!)

Holy crap, I was not paying attention then. Thanks for the heads up!