
Didn't she have her own show in the UK? What a demotion in terms of artistry, if not notoriety.

Andy's story is totally worthless and a time suck on the show.

I agree he'd go from sensible to borderline moron in the same season.

Maybe next week we get to see where Creed, Meredith and Stanley live and a bit more of their final story.

I agree that this was the first time in YEARS that Dwight was one of the best characters on the show. I actually was touched by his action more than Jim's, when Jim's was clearly meant to be the anchor heart tug. Honestly, that bell's been rung too many times for me at this point.

Couldn't this be like when they tried to replace Lorne Michaels with Ebersol for that one (or was it two?) season of SNL and, in the end, NBC realized they needed Michaels and brought him back? (that sentence was like a Troy run-on….)

God, I hate to say that I find myself agreeing with you. I LOVED the first three seasons, but this season is like treading water. Let's just assume the British model here and expect that three or four seasons is complete and we can all move on.

In response to Eric A — honestly, Joey is entitled to his self-identification. I shouldn't really be contradicting him if he identifies as straight. I gave Clay Aiken the same courtesy.

I agree Eric. The shows are relying way too much on cameos this season.

I question the professionalism of any reviewer that found the Aniston skit funny in the least. I mean, is this 1998? Why in the hell was that skit even relevant in 2013?!? It would have made some sense to have Aniston herself show up instead of Cooper and Helms, but I guess that's asking too much. And, the only nearly

Well, not so much Megan, but Joey was as stereotypical as it gets.

I know!! UGH!!

Given the state of the Republican party these days, he just might. Ugh, he's gross.

Per Chris Rock, 'you're only as faithful as your options.' Won't be long now.

Y) Robert Culp is dead. But that was a good likeness had he lived.

Plus, Don and Roger would resent having to answer to somebody at this stage, like a Board of Directors. Then they'd have to be more responsible with their actions/choices than they are now.

Especially with new partners in the mix. They won't have the preconceived notions about him that SCDP already does, perhaps.

But wasn't it Don who seduced Ted here? Or are you suggesting Ted actually did some kind of 'inception' trick?

I keep waiting for Cooper to find a reason to retire and get out of the business. Maybe having new partners that he (maybe) can't relate to or who won't allow for his eccentricities will put him off. I hope they actually drop the names altogether and go with something along the lines of 'The Ideas Group' or something

I think that's in the eye of the beholder in this case.