
Timmy fell down the- [FILE NOT FOUND] "Damn it!"

Failure to laugh at Young Frankenstein is cause enough to see a neurosurgeon.

Saw After Earth at the dollar show. I enjoyed it quite a bit. I try not to get too ranty on here, but I must say I've never understood the Shyamalan hate. An inexplicable number of people hate him with an intensity that should be reserved for the Adam Sandlers and Tyler Perrys of the world. Yeah, he's had a couple of

RIP, Scoot Olivier.

LA denizens don't go on Celebrity home tours? That's like living in Oklahoma and not gawking at either of our Jews.

Say that again. Slowly and directly into this rutabaga.

Jobs aren't that great. I pity everyone listed in that article. I hear you, Rabbi Bongstein; be right there.

I think he has one of those tiger moms. I'm sure she gave him a good lashing for that episode.

It's unforgivable. Where else are you going to hear the Beatles?

I just use these services because it's easier than flying all over the country shouting "Get a real job!"

Just like Rosie when Elroy tried to breastfeed on her.

All ladies have nice ones. Hers are glorious.

You're missing the point of religion. You're just supposed to pull shit out of your ass until the other guy throws up his hands in exasperation and walks away.

I am a rabidly condescending atheist and I LOOOOOOOOVE the films of Kirk Cameron.

Can't argue that, but the NFC is pretty weak this year. I think they have a shot.

And sticking it to Steely Dan!

Being old kicks ass. You don't have to spend all your time and/or money on music because you understand that you're more emotionally more intelligent than a bunch of whiny cunts who can pluck two strings while staring at the ground or write lyrics that are clever enough to seem enlightened to those who like their

Worked for Jesus.

Five bands? Who has the time?