
Yeah! Crossin' those Alps 'n shit!

Also, it was on during the 90s. And it wasn't even called Party of Five. Talk about a bungled headline.

, Robert

WE are the fifth member of that party.

I find that to be the case with most Best Picture winners in the past 20 years. Some have been great, some forgettable, but it seems like starting with Forrest Gump, if you get the Oscar, a lot of people go out of their way to delegitimize the win as much as possible.

Never forget.

Are you kidding? Scott Wolf is great as Franklin or Bash.

I never watched this show. Did Scott Wolf get an abortion?

Because they have vision.

Oh yeah, Madsen? Well I like my ladies so pumped full of estrogen that they're constantly emasculating me in between bouts of irrational weeping.

Well I have plans to hire a medium to contact Ebert and see what he thinks of R.I.P.D.

You can stop begging. I'll call you nerd.

It's not too late! Unless you're ugly.

At this point it's probably exempt from lists. Like when someone says a band that isn't the Beatles is their favorite band, we kind of know they mean "You know, after the Beatles."

Maybe it gets mentioned in a different timeline.

Cheese comes from cows.

@avclub-1d04064d540beb34e0cc414561bc6f35:disqus and @avclub-2586d0717b58d4f4383144ca1341d079:disqus I sort of realized it was dumb to say this kind of music isn't very ambitious the moment I posted. Especially since I admitted in the same post I don't listen to said music all that often; I just tend to never correct

In my personal experience, sad bastard music doesn't have the desired effect. When I'm feeling anger, some good metal will help me purge that anger; but when I'm feeling depressed (not that I'm ever really depressed the way smart people are) this kind of music just seems to feed that depression.

America also improved Benny Hill when we turned it into M*A*S*H.

I know, right? We're all well aware of songs of that chick from Beauty and the Beast and everyone's favorite Jamaican crab.