
I don't just want a song about it; I want it to be a hit. Let's hook it up with Taylor Swift.

That one didn't make the list because Shirley Temple was a filthy slut.

Yeah, I know what you mean and even agree with you and the people below about the show. Like I said, I'm just murdered out right now. I'm actually just now starting with Friday Night Lights so I can watch something where that isn't heavily featured. I'll give it a few months and come back to this show. Hopefully it'll

I'll have to come back to it when I'm up for a show about murders again. I caught the first couple episodes and I could recognize it was quality work, but right now I'm just "Oy, all the murdering." It's not like I didn't realize the show about serial killers would have killing, it was just one show about killing too

In fact, you might say Hannibal just ate Uter and he's in his stomach right now!

Ummm…. Black Sabbath? Hello?

I don't see people in terms of color. I just see them as Slash or not Slash.

Hey, he got my panties wet.

I didn't catch that one. I've only read a handful of these because I don't really enjoy something getting relentlessly dumped on (even if I do hate it), but of the few I've read it seems every time the interviewer not only joins in hating the song but cites other people's hatred of it and sometimes even talks shit

Out of curiosity, when the AV Club staff finds out what song is being hated on do they pick an interviewer who also hates the song so they can join in talking shit? Or does the interviewer just go along with the hating regardless of their feelings about the song? Or does every single staffer hate all the same songs?

I'm wondering the same thing. But even as I was watching it and enjoying it I was thinking "Why is everyone in this funny but the lead?" Ben Stiller created a good silly a-hole character; Alan Tudyk, Stephen Root and some other guys had their moments; but Vince Vaughn was just sort of… existent.

I wasn't even aware of that series. I'll make sure to check that out. And to @avclub-30016cd5b9045be8de99ad5f1cbfd9af:disqus yeah, the movie is centered around Gere and there's nothing engaging about him. I can handle unlikable, but I can't handle uninteresting, and boy was he uninteresting. Just another "rich guy is

This show inspired me to acquire an actual moose and squirrel then make them live together. Not nearly as entertaining.

Also Wolverine. Even if they need to give it a rest already.

Him and the emo Peter Parker.

At least he had Swingers and 60 seconds of funny in Anchorman.

Yeah to Tim Roth. That piece of shit might have been the moment when Tim Burton went off the rails for good, but Tim Roth's ape warranted his own movie.

Went movie crazy this week. Plenty of good stuff but my rave review goes to The Castle. For anyone looking to wash all the modern discomfort comedy out of their system, it's a perfect movie. Personality driven humor with a story engaging enough to make you care about these people.

"Best use of Norm MacDonald" should be an Emmy category. Him being on any show would make it 25-50% better.

Just watch Bad Boys II and mess with your TV's contrast.