
That's not off topic. Snicker-cones are heavily featured throughout this movie.

And he didn't even mention the Viking kangaroos.

Overall, I ultimately think your comment is like a game of cat and mouse. It wasn't extremely rip-roaring, and it reminds me of a film where some scenes are derivative. In the end it was mostly satisfactory, but at the end of the day it could've used a reference to Jennifer Lawrence, because Jennifer Lawrence is very

I would've preferred one episode called Vampire the Buffy Slayer.

I know what you mean. I'm halfway through and I'm wondering how much farther removed I'm going to get from the original story-teller. If Frankenstein's cat shows up and says "Allow me to relate a tale to you, dear reader" I won't be surprised. Regardless, I shift between getting immersed in her prose and being put

I'm guessing some of the stuff that appeared on the walls below cave paintings meant "You call that a cave painting? Back in my day they knew how to crudely represent a mastodon on a wall."

I prefer the update: Faust and Furious.

I'm reading Frankenstein for the first time in my life. I knew it was different from the movie, but man is it fucking different. A reanimated body is pretty much the only common element. But it does make it an easier read. I have a trouble reading a book after I've seen the movie, but not when the story is this

My only major problem with Minority Report was the lady with the plants. I pretty much loved every other moment, but there I was like "Oh, fuck you."

I also recently watched Re-Animator for the first time. This is a good example of how a really good movie can slip through the cracks (for me anyway) by an association with a lot of mediocre shit. I hesitate to watch any 80s horror because so much of it is forgettable or overrated, but Re-Animator… so goddamn fun.

@avclub-63c17d596f401acb520efe4a2a7a01ee:disqus hit the nail on the head. I just included the line about being heavy-handed so everyone would know that I'm well aware of the douchebaginess of the statement. It's been fun, gang.

Considering what a marriage really is, we were ALL raised in whore-houses. (Man, my hands feel all heavy)

What if you like the same needle drugs?

I wanted to make that joke, but I felt like it would be making light of the Last Dragon.

The two things aren't completely unrelated.

So, Jason Heller, was pulling the short straw a good thing or a bad thing?

Check Missy Elliot's jacket to make sure.

Well if they covered his philanthropy they'd have time for little else.

What's up the $100 bill in that picture? That looks more like FDR or an apparition than Franklin.

Wrong fat guy.