Little Emma Adderall

*pushes up glasses* as a longtime and respected member of the AVC Survivor commenting community, that show actually doesn't do the whole American Idol "And the eliminated person… will be revealed right after this break!" bull shit. Plus there's legitimate strategy involved. But you may continue trashing Dancing with

I noticed! And this is the first time I've seen someone else mention it. Tbh I only caught it because the original Dickon was Cormac McLaggen in Harry Potter.

I have a friend who otherwise seems basic, loves Taylor Swift etc, but she absolutely crushes "Faint" at karaoke every time. And she's probably so sad now. :(

I'm sorry for your loss and that you're having to deal with friends being shitty on top of it all.

Okay but more importantly, what was that baggy ass outfit they had Jason Dohring in and how can we make sure he never wears it again? Or clothes at all, idk.

I believe she was telling Baracus about the a) zombie outbreak and b) public nature of said outbreak.

I'm generally on the train of thinking someone's too muscly (example: I adore Michael B. Jordan, but he was too bulky in Creed for me) but I don't know if my taste is changing or if this was just an exception because it was working for me. Probably mostly his charisma tbh.

Stupid sexy spider.

Just remind yourself he was born into Scientology. It makes it a little easier to forgive.

I was a Piz fan for myself, but not for Veronica. Chris Lowell is cute as heck though.

As a vegetarian whose attraction to Jason Dohring has been made very clear in these comments, don't put that on us!

He's skinny in the Veronica Mars movie, but good god he certainly isn't now.

Jesus Christ, I feel like I just had a second sexual awakening or something. That was almost too much Jason Dohring. I need a cold shower.

Poor Natalie indeed. I'm glad she at least got to do some traveling and live free for a while.

I know it's suspicious, but I promise that's not me guys.

Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised by that.

Well there goes my plan to follow up my Jason Dohring in a suit!" chant with "Naked Jason Dohring!"

"Was that just an assumption by me, that happened to be true?"

I ranted about it just last week!

^ I bet her name isn't even Denise.