a) Proud to have been the one to first alert you that Rahul tweeted about you way back when.
b) WTF, your name isn't Jane?! That's okay, mine isn't Emma.
I thought of everyone here when the brain thing turned out to be a plot point.
It's his true form.
Also given that they're in Seattle I half expected Major's sympathetic ear to be Amanda Knox.
Jason Dohring in a suit! Jason Dohring in a suit! Jason Dohring in a suit!
And the star of our hearts.
Jason Dohring! Jason Dohring!
Yes, hop aboard the Jared bandwagon! I'm pretty sure there was an episode of season one where I laughed at literally every line of dialogue he had.
When Liv mentioned their names I was hoping Major was raised by two moms, but I guess this will do.
Aw man, I'm still on season one. (Not your fault, statute of limitations is definitely passed. But ew.)
Huh. I don't have the ad version anymore, but I've had it do the opposite, where it freezes during a commercial and then just skips it. HBO Now has given me the most trouble in terms of not loading etc., but I don't pay for the account so I probably shouldn't complain!
The problem for me is I started watching Jane the Virgin on Netflix, but they only have the last few episodes on the CW app, so now I have to wait for the season to end and go on Netflix like some kind of monster.
Whoops, should not have replied within the notifications widget thing. I see everyone's answered this already.
Ah, yeah I think it's different with the cable shows than the broadcast channels… probably still want to encourage cable subscriptions, I'd imagine. Although I've always been able to watch The Daily Show (when I've bothered to watch it) the next day so clearly CC knows they're some value in next-day access.
They don't, not after CW made their own (not very good) app.
What shows do you have to wait a week for? I remember that being an issue when free Hulu was still a thing, but every show I use Hulu for now has episodes the next day.
I wonder if Major losing his memories will trigger a reality check for her. It's all been theoretical before.
Also, I mean he's charming and all, but it's not like he's super sexy unless bleached blond hair really does it for her.