Semi-bored torontonian

I'm not as down as you think I am. I enjoyed it considerably more than S1 and I loved several scenes (including the one you mention above). But the plot gets stuffier and stuffier and, imo, it really founders in the last couple of episodes. You'll see when you get there. Also, the ninjas were great, and I hope we see

He's by far the best thing about S2.

Yeah, it's pretty damn steep for a relatively small outfit like theirs. And if it discourages others from posting or hosting sex tapes or photos (I'm looking at you, 4chan), so much better.

Yeah, of course, they will have to build Mike up, given that he's already well settled into his cleaner role by the time we meet him in BB. And I like him, that's for sure. I just like Jimmy a lot more.

Well, some of the damages are coming out of Denton's pocket, and I doubt he's got $10 million laying around.

Yeah, io9 in particular deserves to stay in business, so hopefully it gets bought out, or at least the editors find a new life elsewhere?

I never liked them, but after the Justine Sacco thing, I honestly started wishing their whole site and MO would be burned down with fire. I don't like Hulk Hogan, but good for him for taking those jerks down. Even if they get the penalty reduced in appeals, I can't imagine Gawker ever coming back from this.

Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I'm just a little too fidgety when it comes to the show dipping too much into BB. It's so great as its own thing, I'm not eager to revisit BB at all.

Haha, Hulk Hogan just got awarded an extra $25 million - to come partly from Gawker and partly from Gawker's owner.

Besides, much as I like Mike's badassery, I find Jimmy's story so much more interesting.

I liked it better on BB when this particular thing had no specific origin or past.

Haha, I didn't click on his until I had posted mine. Indeed, most amusing!

Enough with the callbacks, Better Call Saul, ugh.

But they all twitch and moan a little after he violently slams their heads into the wall and punches them in the throat, so you know they're all right!


It was so much more ridiculous than you could possibly imagine.

Nikola Tesla from The Prestige and Mysto the Magician from "Magical Maestro."

My question was more about when he knew it, not if he knew it, and I don't think the show made that very clear. Anyway, point taken *walks away*

She needs to do something about that hair, maybe a ponytail? It's a shallow comment, I know, but it just doesn't look good on her.