Semi-bored torontonian

Teti is a cool guy. And Sean O'Neal is back! So it's not all bad!

He may not be able to put this in an actual article for whatever reason. I dunno, for all the shit I give this site sometimes, the writers have always been very good at engaging with the commenters.

He's done this a number of times before; besides, it's a featured comment, so it's right at the top of the board. And yes, it is a number game, and yes, it does suck, but there's nothing Teti, or anyone save whoever budgets these things can do.

Thank you for the thoughtful post.

He may not be able to say anything, either because he can't or because he doesn't know. The only thing everyone has been saying is that there is some kind of plan.

I'm confused: where's the "Sponsored Content" tag, because surely this can't be what the site is making room for by slashing TV and film coverage.

I don't think anyone really knows for sure. From what I see on twitter, most reviewers got word of the cuts literally from one week to the next.

The reviewers have.

TV Club's been cancelling coverage left and right lately.

Who needs 1000 words Criterion reviews when you can have 6 lines about Game of Bones?

…and home video reviews! Who cares about Kubrick when you can watch an idiot bathe in Coke, amirite?

Splendid. They should do Saving Private Ryan next.

Aw, what a dirty little fuzzball.

Or Tronx. Not to be confused with Jonx.

Yes. From now on, please call me Captain Tim.

Something that includes a citation from noted 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant would be nice.

Why is there no tronc Voxplainer?

Why, Nick Wanserski, WHY?!?!

Honestly, it wasn't as funny as I thought it would be. It's mostly a boring, shoddily shot and badly acted slog, infrequently enlivened by insane developments, like that bit with the car.