
Oh, Mary-Kate, you know you go right in!

AFFC is still good, just not nearly as much so as the previous ones. ASOS's last 100 pages has so much happened that nearly anything would've been disappointing. AFFC was a set up book, more than anything.

I've thought for some time now that it's a genre thing - the best comedies are on TV and the best dramas are in movies.

@Cul-de-Zak I'm the same way with the Wire. First season is sitting on top of the DVD player, unopened.

30 Rock has Emmys. It'll be renewed as long as Tina Fey wants to keep doing it.

I could totally see a fully sports-themed episode with the whole gang forming a volleyball team or something ridiculous. Season 3?

Rooting for a particular couple to get together while not distracting from your enjoyment of a show = acceptable shipping.

I was pulling for alternate history, too.

That's why you don't teach lessons!

Pepper and LeMichael were two of the other names.

THIS. The accent bugs me more when you see her old ads from ten years ago and her English is better then.

I think Cam treated him the way any executive-type planner would treat an aide. Reminded me a little of Jack/Jonathon on 30 Rock, only less competent.

I don't watch Breaking Bad (for shame!), so I'll vote Mad Men.

It's different kinds of hot, too. I think Alison Brie looks better when she's explicitly not trying to do the model-hot thing, but more girl-next-door type, as opposed to the more traditional gorgeous.

"Where Glee just has listless, flat cover songs. " That somehow sell amazingly. I'm always surprised by this, and I never should be. ITS THE SAME AS THE GODDAMN ORIGINAL!

And holy shit, she was nominated for a Golden Globe for that (and a British Independent Award). Maybe I'm way in the minority on this one, then.

Repressed, yeah, sure. But she came off as blank to me. Not nervous, or frightened, or confused, or any other emotion associated with a new environment. And her face looked like a fish mouth.

I really don't understand the hate for Bale's Batman voice. It always bothered me that no one fucking noticed Superman and Clark Kent were the exact same dude but without glasses, so why wouldn't someone who's actively trying to conceal his identity adopt a different voice in addition to a costume? Granted, it's

Scarlett Johannsen didn't ruin The Prestige for me, but it certainly cost it points.

I think we all know by now that George Lucas, while visionary, is neither a great screenwriter nor director, and when Harrison Ford isn't starring to bail out the movie, everyone looks like a terrible actor.