
Did you fuck my mom? Did you fuck my mom, Santa? Did you?! DID YOU?!

I keep waiting for Ser Gregor's daddy issues to come out.

There's practically no lower body movement in the NOW vids. And I thought the knee surgery line was a Tiger Woods joke.

Jane, those articles/essays/analyses are re-printed on Tower of the Hand, along with newer ones that go through AFFC, if you're looking for more.

sammydavisjr, I can't stop laughing at that comment. Despite the fact that I'd heard it in other forms several times already. Just perfect. Well played.

"Jeff needs a girl who doesn't just not wear underwear because Oprah told her it would spice things up. He needs a girl who doesn't wear underwear because she hasn't done *laundry* in 3 weeks. He's been to *Flavor Country* now. They should retire the table we did it on."

Holder continues to be the best part of this show.

Lloyd, if I remember correctly, the mini-sodes are from season 1, right? And she does change her hair for season 2, it's way straighter than season 1, particularly later in the year.

Also why the common swear is "Seven hells!". Robert for one says it at least once.

Yeah, that third season of AD is very uneven. The first two are so perfect though, it doesn't really matter.

I loved it, but because I thought it was a comedy and not a real movie. I laughed my ass off, and everyone in the theatre hated me. Fuck off, idiots!

I am thoroughly impressed. Did you do all of this from memory?

@Yoga, McHale was on the team, but I don't think he was exactly a star. He's said in various interviews and podcasts he was recruited as a rower and walked on to the football team, but never played. They won two national championships while he was there, though. Some people have all the luck.

No, like, I'd actually heard that too, that he might be back for next season, but again, not really a spoiler.

House Standings
In addition to the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons, Arryns, and Greyjoys, this episode also sets up the Tyrells a bit in the scene with Loras and Renly. They're rich and have enough clout to foment a possible revolution, but are currently out of the loop power wise (since there's all of one Tyrell in

I'm enjoying the review and the comments immensely, but I think I'll constrain myself to (mostly) commenting in the expert section. Just seems fair to keep 'em separated.

N1 is correct. Though those words are really stupid, and "A Lannister always pays his debts." is far more sinister and awesome, despite being only "a common phrase".

Yeah, a great idea, other than that now I have one more thing to read/comment on.

Maybe he came around.

How is it a spoiler when they haven't even started writing yet?