
They thought it was child's play, but now they see he's dangerous.

*JUST* realized "I'll see you in hell" is in fact a Han Solo line. Oddly enough, I say it all the time, quoting him, and didn't make the connection until now. Subtly sliding into it by default, as always, Winger.

@tossin, I'm disappointed by the lack of coverage on wiki as well. I went back after season 1 and tried to at least write a few sentences for every episode, so I didn't have to look it up, but ultimately got distracted by shiny things in the other room.

I hated him the first time he showed up, but he's really turned into a great recurring douche. He out-douched The Douche himself tonight.

The Fight was fantastic, Road Trip was still solid. I love episodes where characters get sloppy drunk (this, Mixology Certification from Community, the first Dundies episode of the Office, the Cancer episode from Archer, pretty much every episode of Always Sunny).

Shameless chameleon of a personality to win her back. Stay strong to your convictions! Do not compromise for a girl!

Leonard watches Always Sunny
Almost the exact same joke from The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis.

Ask and ye shall receive:

^^ I'll believe that when I see it.

He's had great lines in like the last four episodes, starting with "I'll be a LIVING GOD!"

Yeah, I can totally see that. Part of it maturation through imitation of an idol, and part of it is wanting to be the hero. Either way he's growing up, slowly and steadily, in a way that feels real and allows occasional moments of immaturity. Because that's what real people do.

No one's mentioned Intro to Statistics (AKA Mexican Halloween from S1). That's the episode I'm always telling people to get to, that's when it really takes off and gets fantastic.

I saw him on Monday, he said the same thing.

Well, they could be antagonists in the show and really let the hate flow…

1) Yes, it was Slater's ass.

I caught Community and the game. Now that my heart has resumed beating normally, I can actually digest what I just watched.

The conspiracy shit of Rubicon was a little off, yeah, but that comes from the creator and pilot writer being booted after pickup and other people taking over. The intelligence team as a whole was really interesting, especially Kal fucking Ingram.

Can't he be both?

i and 1, I don't remember him saying specifically the Janitor, just his friend at the school. Though it probably is him, and he (Belko) is probably also a perv, and he's probably done this before.

There's been a couple hints at a serial killer so far, the latest being the missing girl the Imam mentions.