Ringleader of the Tormentors

Caged Horse will have to count me as worse than a million Hitlers because, while Fight Club is no straight thriller, I think it's way too ambivalent to be read as a real satire. What is it satirizing? If it's the hegemony of corporate culture and materialism, then you're kind of writing off the large majority of the

I only drink the finest breast milks.

So many people focus on how Ramirez would sneak into homes, wake a sleeping couple up by shooting the husband point-blank in the head, and then rape the wife over his dying corpse. It makes you forget the human side.

Sorry guys, I don't get the message (so you gots to run the pidgeon).

They need to get themselves some toilet paper, cuz their ethics is butt.

How dare they challenge him
with their primitive pigeon-racing skills?

N lives connected by [inanimate object/abstract idea] and coincidence
I'm thinking 72 and a bullwhip, but my editor says its still not literary enough. Suggestions? (Baseballs and desks are off-limits).

I would enjoy this
Though not nearly as much as if Pynchon wrote a prose adaptation of Magnolia.

It's always irked me that some douche had the temerity to title a screed against all my favorite writers "A Reader's Manifesto". What am I?

Just hear me out on this one…
Michael Keaton as the deceased frontman for a band that specialized in "hard" covers of XMas classics who comes back from the grave in snowman form to dispense life lessons to traumatized children.

Actually, with the very arguable exceptions of Barton Fink and Burn After Reading, I can't think of a single Coen Brothers movie the big desk theory applies to (though I've still never seen Ladykillers, Intolerable Cruelty, or, gasp, O Brother)

He'll rip your mind out, he'll burn your soul.

Leave it to a retooled version of the crap I watched on Nickelodeon when I was eight to give us the best female sideline reporter ever (sorry Suzy Kolber)

Eddie Murphy
strikes me as the black Jerry Lewis. Major Hollywood icon, profoundly cynical, humorless, and creepily jaded in that Krusty the Klown way.

I'll see your Clowes and Mad send-ups, and raise you MST3K's mash up of Family Circus and The Far Side, wherein dotted lines show where little Billy has been chased by anthropomorphic jackals.

It doesn't have to be, but TTRL can be thought of as a meditation on the inevitability of death, with or without war, how we deal with this fact, usually unsuccesfully, particularly as our clock starts running out, and how these ways of dealing with it color our lives and perceptions. It makes the wistful narration

The college theme continues
as millions of recent graduates realize their faith in higher education as a conduit to a "good ass job" was, indeed, a twisted fantasy.

Did I mention I cried?

In clicking on this Sedaris review
I did not foresee learning something about hippos that would scar me for life.

Too bad Kinski didn't live to see Twitter