Ringleader of the Tormentors

I enjoyed her as Marginally Famous Chick Who Married McCauley Culkin Way Too Young, only to find out much later that that was some other bland actress whose name is forever lost to future generations.

And the nth team of writers to tackle "superheroes with hilariously pedestrian powers" learns a painful lesson about the differences between conceptual and narrative humor.

Bristol and her partner conceive before she gets voted off.

Brilliant! This is what I'm talking about - Duckensian tragedy! This being a McDuck family epic, might I suggest Duckstoyevskian overtones, with all the grand political/psychological archetypes? Your embattled prologue protagonist is actually Louie, who, in manifestation of his Christ-like reservoirs of empathy,

Duck Tales
Make it happen. And shit better be dark; I'm talkin' Michael Haneke to helm. Theme song and score reimagined by Jonny Greenwood.

I've actually heard that one of their target demographics is the mentally disabled and delayed who get a pretty good kick out of dumb physical comedy and so are taken en masse to these things by care services. I'm not even joking, and I'd like to think it's so, since it makes these movies' existence more explicable

You Got Served

Ricin, I think introducing a young lass to the narcotizing properties of one's Jimmy falls into the "women" category, no matter how long you've wanted to dig her out. And it can safely be assumed that the joys of winning at craps derive not just from back dooring Lil Joe, but also the implied monetary rewards.

Actually I have it on good authority that affluent New York women will sometimes accidentally wander into the Midwest, whereupon they are seduced by Horse Whisperers, Nick Nolte in his more lucid moments and, I can only assume, Richard Gere.

Best Cube movie
The one where Cube dices up all those kids trying to find their way out of the Cube. Shit was funny… but real too.

This sort of thing has actually happened
Google "Ben Ramaley" and you will be treated to the heartwarming tale of a Greenwich CT ob-gyn who was all about cutting out the middleman. Probably less romantic than The Switch, but it has its darkly comic aspects, like how he got caught when he pulled the switch on a black

You forgot to mention how its starkly realistic portrayal of contemporary narcotrafficking lays bare the ultimately cartoonish trappings of prior genre pieces like The Wire.

Painfully obvious header

Phillip Seymour Muffman
Brian Analrapist
Paul Theroauxxx

Loved My Kid Could Paint That
Incidentally all my posts are actually the work of my wildly precocious four-year-old daughter. She procrastinates at the level of a fully formed hipster douchebag, with only the slightest bit of nudging from her proud Pops.

@ Dr. Robuttnik - most decent institutions will cover your grad school tuition and toss in a living stipend so long as you're willing to go for the full doctorate.

A film that simultaneously satisfies my intense desire to see Joe Francis genitally mutilated by a carnivorous fish and my intense desire to see Jerry O'Connell genitally mutilated by a carnivorous fish.

Life is not just bitches and money. It also encompasses kosher breakfasts, the avoidance of carjackings, impressive statistical production in pick-up basketball games, and successfully driving oneself home without vomiting despite experiencing solipsistic visual hallucinations and the incessant buzzing of one's

Almost certainly reading too much into things, but…
Rita can be read as subversive social critique, when considering:

"Tank" - now THERE'S a movie about a tank!