Simon Jester

I'm pleased with how well I remember the lyrics to La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol. 1 by White Zombie after all these years. The lyrics aren't quite as nonsensical as Loser, but they're up there. Then again, in 1994 I spent more time memorizing the lyrics to that CD than I did doing anything school related, so that

I had a similar experience on acid in the passenger seat of a buddy's truck listening to The Humpty Dance (which I'd heard a million times by then, this being '95 or so) on his really good sound system with the sub right behind me. I'd always thought Humpty Dance was an enjoyable tune. But after that rumbling bass

Anyone else remember the 1991 album As Above So Below by Forced Entry? They were a one album band, and I don't think anyone but my buddy and I ever knew about it. Any fans of metal from that era should check it out.

Too clever by half, Jeffrey.

Calling Masons "glorified Shriners" is backwards. All Shriners are Freemasons, not all Freemasons are Shriners. The Shriners were started because in Masonic lodges there is no drinking, and it's a generally formal atmosphere (suits and ties are expected during meetings). So they started they Shriners as sort of the

But only when there was no crawdads I'd imagine.

But only when there was no crawdads I'd imagine.

Oh yeah, now that I think about it etiquette wasn't mentioned in the FotC video. Thanks for the memory jostling.

Anyone remember the Flight of the Conchords episode where Bret gets a delivery from New Zealand, and in it is a VHS tape with Telephone Etiquette in it? Was that the documentary mentioned above, or a spoof of it? I thought for sure that was 100% made up for the show. But it now appears to be at least partly based on a

I knew he looked familiar, but he didn't get enough screen time for me to place him. I wonder if he still has that cat?

My guess is it costs a lot more than $2 to produce even a low budget television episode.

My new text notification on my phone is a clip of a a Dalek saying "EXTERMINAAAAAATE!"

"…and do me a favor, Fink. Throw it hard!"

Ah, ok. The Simpsons aren't my thing. But having it come from them rather than it being, say, a trendy made-up word like "frenemy" makes it all better.

I'm not sure how I feel about reading reviews where I need to look up a word "crisatunity" and the top Google result is a non-sexual entry from Urban Dictionary.

Not to mention that Supercop Jim took the husband's confession at face value when even my dumb ass could tell there was something shaky about it.

Eh, they canceled a show. So what?

Those envelopes weren't sponge-worthy!

Corn I get. But, pennies?

Assuming a soon-approaching-middle-aged ex-metal head were to give Sonic Youth a shake what would be the best album to start with? Or if that's too hard to pin down, what would be best to avoid?