Barry Lyndon Johnson

Funny they mentioned Albee in this episode, because last week's scene with Roger and Jane on the floor could have been right out of an Albee play.

I went to a club where Andy Rourke was doing a DJ set and he played a bunch of Smiths songs. No obscure album tracks either. That might be lamer.

She's an atheist like Bill O'Reilly is a centrist.

I know this show is not about special effects at all, but the low quality of them is really irking me this season. The rear projection in the car was laughably bad, and the city backdrop outside Don's apartment looks like cardboard, which it probably is.

Cool article. I remember as a teen I liked the music but the actual message seemed a little silly to me, and I certainly didn't adhere to it. I'm surprised Kevin Seconds is still straight edge.

It's about time Hollywood made a movie about two women who love each other. This is a great day for America.

Oh that's true. Ending is better in theatrical version though.

Why is Magua mad? Last of the Mohicans is available for streaming!

She was great in "Big Night" and "The Impostors."

That would have been the most public yet of his many humiliations.

Man I love the The Trip. Kramer trying to schmooze Fred Savage, and the old Hollywood burnout lady. Great stuff.

Phillip Morris (Jackie Chiles) did such insanely great comic acting in the 3 or 4 episodes he was in it's amazing they didn't make him a permanent character. That's another reason this show was great, they didn't really overuse the ancillary characters (OK maybe Puddy). Even Newman, who could have easily become the

Curb is obviously an amazing show and one of the funniest American shows ever probably, but Seinfeld has an insane rewatchability factor. Basically limitless. Even though 20 years later you know all the great lines and when they're coming, you will still laugh. And will 20 years from now.

This is probably fortuitous for the old chap, as the movie will likely have such awful reviews that no one will want to be associated with it in any way.

Haha yeah the tape, forgot about that. Quite an operation they had going, wonder if they had any retired CIA/Secret Service personnel involved.

One thing that stood out to be about him was how extremely serious he took the Pyramid game show. He explained the rules and sometimes strategy to the contestants as if it was the plans for the D-Day invasion.

Really odd since they got rid of the Disney World version years ago. That was the best ride ever, you went to hell at the end.

Also I believe this is the second time Pete has compared Lane to a frog.

I thought I heard that as well, and since you heard it too I'm convinced he really did.

I was wondering if this show would ever make a Superman reference.