Barry Lyndon Johnson

fuckerin' fuckotash

fuckerin' fuckotash

Oh cool written by the Coen bro…CAMERON DIAZ FUCK THIS I'M OUT

Oh cool written by the Coen bro…CAMERON DIAZ FUCK THIS I'M OUT

Peter Tolan and Ben Garant are probably two of the funnier people in the world at any given time but there is almost no way this won't suck regardless.

Peter Tolan and Ben Garant are probably two of the funnier people in the world at any given time but there is almost no way this won't suck regardless.

He did an amazing interview with Stop Smiling magazine during the time when he was literally dying. He was quite dismissive of Americans' musical taste and basically said Americans never liked him, he doesn't want them to like him, and you probably can't get most of his records here anyway so it doesn't matter.

He did an amazing interview with Stop Smiling magazine during the time when he was literally dying. He was quite dismissive of Americans' musical taste and basically said Americans never liked him, he doesn't want them to like him, and you probably can't get most of his records here anyway so it doesn't matter.

And all those heads can't seem to praise baseball without bashing on football, especially George Will. Why can't they both be grandiose metaphors is what I want to know.

And all those heads can't seem to praise baseball without bashing on football, especially George Will. Why can't they both be grandiose metaphors is what I want to know.

I read some poll a while back that named Hackman's character as one of the worst bad guys ever, which seems like missing the point to me. He's not truly a bad guy, but he puts the law above human life at any cost.

I read some poll a while back that named Hackman's character as one of the worst bad guys ever, which seems like missing the point to me. He's not truly a bad guy, but he puts the law above human life at any cost.

I was just wondering the other day what ever happened with that Big Dead Place series. The book and website are amazing, it would be a real shame if the whole thing fell through.

I was just wondering the other day what ever happened with that Big Dead Place series. The book and website are amazing, it would be a real shame if the whole thing fell through.

David Chase said a while back he was considering doing a Sopranos movie, so unless it's a prequel or just about AJ or something, I don't think he is dead.

David Chase said a while back he was considering doing a Sopranos movie, so unless it's a prequel or just about AJ or something, I don't think he is dead.

I prefer some nice ghabagoul.

I prefer some nice ghabagoul.

I got Frances Ha confused with Lola Versus, which had one of the worst trailers I have probably ever seen. Apparently the actual movie wasn't much better.

I got Frances Ha confused with Lola Versus, which had one of the worst trailers I have probably ever seen. Apparently the actual movie wasn't much better.