Barry Lyndon Johnson

You're dead on about Hollie's two-facedness. She looks gorgeous on show nights and like she just got out of bed all the other times.

I thought this was going to have something to do with Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I was at a Lightning game and they had Ronde Barber introduce the team, and people cheered because he plays for the Bucs and people like him.

I don't think I've ever not wanted to see a movie as much as I don't want to see this one. It wont even be good-bad, just sad-bad.

I'm sure this has been mentioned a thousand times but I always loved that the grandfather's name was Abe.

You taste like a burger. I don't like you anymore.

"Self Portrait" would make a much more interesting film

She is becoming more and more bombshell-y with each passing year. I am not complaining.

I feel like I'm babysitting and not getting paid

I have grown to love GCW. I detest  its cousin Punch The Clock.

Did anyone else think that Betty actually had cancer when Don told Roger that Betty was sick. The timing of it made it seem like Betty had told Don the real results or something but didn't tell Henry. But then it turned out Don didn't actually know.

They may finally cancel this if it starts hurting Mad Men's ratings, being a lead-in and all. Not that Mad Men has great ratings, but certainly it's a loss leader.

One of my favorite lines, when Chris gets the key to the city (don't even remember why now) and he can have anything he wants, he orders a pizza with no sauce. Someone asks him why, and he says, "because I can."

I don't know if she counts as a girlfriend but the hit and run lady was pretty hot, albeit scary.

I have the biggest crush on Erika. I think it's because she's a little older than the average contestant and she just seems to have her shit together. She absolutely commands the stage. May not be the best singer (Jessica has to be) but she's got a lot of charisma.

This book was essentially about an upper  class white woman who goes to jail and learns many life lessons from the lower class non white people she's forced to interact with, then goes back to her upper class white person life. So basically like every other TV show/movie ever made.

I don't even care if this particular movie is good or not, as long as it means Whit is coming back to filmmaking.

He moved to France.

That's a great one

That's a really good point about the other directors. It's even worse that both men are dead.