
Myrna Loy in "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dreamhouse", says that she was initially interested in Grant because of "the hole in his chin".

Walter: Come on back Hildy. I left a light burning in the window for you. (pats lap).

Carla: You can't buy me all those minks and sables
And all that stuff I want

Well, I'd expect that type of language at Denny's, but not here.

I hurt my foo-foo!

Saw this once and loved it, though I'm not a football fan (or a fan of movie representations of football).

I consider this movie the last gasp of old comedic Hollywood. In 1962, the sixties were not THE SIXTIES yet. By 1966, these comedians and their antics would seem dated, and new, younger, hip comics (Allen, Pryor, Cosby, Klein) would rule. Notice the two black comics in that list, whereas "Mad World" could only produce

He's a legend for nailing half the women in Hollywood during his heyday. Women on the MGM lot knew never to ride in car with Andy Hardy.

"I wished him well! I wished him well!"

Damn! Beat me to it.

What about "Memoirs of a Geisha"?

That will be my epitaph.

I saw this when it was first broadcast, and it was great not knowing what path the episode was taking.

I had to pause 20 times to get all the titles.

Good call. Actually, my nuts are numb. It's from an acid scalding accident. One nut is scarred and the other isn't, but they're both numb. Kinda/sorta like Two-Face.

I want to see: "Zero Dark Thirty-One", "Audiobook: The Movie", "The Troll Twins of the Underbridge Academy Part 3", "The #Hashtag Games", "Bride Force One", "Sex Friends", "AsBROnauts", "Outlet", "World War Zebra", "Slug Family Robinson", "Irving Christmas", and "Neptune Needs Nephews".

Lenny said the "deboot" line, not Burns.

Neither do I.

I watched this in 1976, but don't remember much besides the basic plot info. Will have to watch it again.

I read it was Kurosawa's favorite also.