
No! A Justin Bieber movie a PR stunt? Next, you'll tell us his retirement isn't real. Don't worry Justin: it will all be over when you're 20. Just ask Leif Garrett.

Yes, I remember the trailer focusing on Cruise and I said "no thanks".

No, she sounds like a third rate Betty Boop impersonator.

Can't be any worse than "The New Odd Couple" with Ron Glass And Demond Wilson. It should have been called "The Black Odd Couple".

I saw "The Spiral Staircase", "Inherit the Wind", and "Thoroughly Modern Millie" in junior high. The second was educational, but the other two were shown solely for entertainment. When we saw Dick York as Scopes in "Inherit", we all cried "Darren!".

The "Jazzman" song isn't a jazz number at all, which may be one of the reasons I've always hated it, though I love Carole King.

I remember that trailer.

It's only gotten this rep due to Disney showing it on their cable channel every October, though it was originally released during the summer. That, plus 1990s kid nostalgia.

"Do you think it's clean? Do you?"
"Miss Jenkins said it was clean."

Yes, restrained Nathan Lane is always good. I thought the trustee's sexuality would be revealed during Lane's "Good Wife" appearances, but I was glad when it didn't happen.

Just 10?

Loved Archie, Sabrina w/ the Groovy Goulies, Star Trek, and Flash Gordon. RIP. Hell with all you haters.

I think Alicia saying "I thought you were gone" to Diane, is what set her off.

Where did this guy come from? I didn't notice him until this episode.

I hated Salem on "Sabrina". In the comics, he just had thought balloons, and I don't think Sabrina could read them. At the same time, for some unknown reason, they made Alexandra in "Josie & the Pussycats" a witch and I think her cat was named Sebastian.

Don't forget Puma, which was just a different kind of Kraven.

I had a roommate who looked like Kenny (though it 's hard to tell from behind) but with a buzzcut. He would sit on his bed and rock back and forth, while listening to the "Dukes of Hazzard" theme continuously on cassette (this was summer of 1979).

OK, he can be shirtless underneath the overcoat, or whatever that thing is called.

He would give this history lesson shirtless, of course.

I was afraid that once the sisters started butting heads, there would be a lot of clunky, artificial dialog, but I was surprised how the scene actually worked: you believed they had this complicated history.