
Crawford couldn't finish "Charlotte", but managed to complete "Trog"? I guess Davis was the bigger monster, and was much harder to defeat.

It was, quote: "Damn it, don't you dare ask God to help me."

And Joan's son Christopher.

"Just a wee nip of courage."

I loved her in "Brooklyn" and "Nightmare Alley".

Is that what passes for comedy these days?

A noble search engine embiggens the smallest Simpson fan.

"Bill! Where you been boy?! Ha, ha, ha!" I had to play the song to make sure I remembered this part correctly.

I always thought Kirk & Luann's similar appearance was a nod to Jughead's parents in Archie comics. Jughead's mother was Jughead with a lady-bun and a dress (and, presumably, lady parts). Jughead's father was Jughead middle-aged, with bald head and paunch.

Didn't watch the episode, but FIRSTIES!

I kept waiting for an appearance of Hulk #181.

I love this man.

That's a sticky situation.

Always loved that.

I sat down to watch "Rudolph", preparing to make fun of it, and almost teared up during "There's Always Tomorrow".

Christians hijacked Jesus's birth date and changed it to December 25th to make Christmas religious and less pagan (the Bible does not mention the season or Jesus's birth date). I find the holiday easier to take as a mid-winter celebration.

This is better than the Santa and Jesus Xmas songs.

He also knows his goesintas.

Or his editing machine.