
She had that same look a few times back in Russel's first season when her tribe kept getting screwed over by him and his hidden idols, it was awesome. Made me an instant fan of Russel and made me dislike that other tribe (as soon as I saw Monica I wanted her out, same for that girl who's mom was in that same tribe.

I can't take anything Vince Vaughn says seriously. He seems to repeat the same line over and over (basically about how bad it is for him now) but with different dumb ingredients.

It's not about just getting the Iron Throne anymore, Stannis has now been made to believe that he must be R'hollor reborn and be the one to lead the war vs the Night. So it's not about ruling only, it's about saving Westeros from annihilation

It was definitely cgi, it was more obvious as the horse got closer and passed the camera

Really liked his character in 'Kingdom of Heaven'

I feel that way about Boltons. I think someone else mentioned recently that everything goes their way, other than the guy they sent to the Nights Watch to kill Jon Snow who guy his neck broken by Hodor. But beyond that, they seem to be in the perfect position every time, and it's getting almost annoying. They need to

Like the reviewer mentioned, when the second wave comes over the cliff near the end of the battle and then gets up to run after the survivors, you hear the boom of the bodies hitting the ground. Well when the intial fears start up with the dogs barking and whining, you hear ALOT of boom and thunder noise in the

Rewatched the episode, and right when the intial wave of walkers starts coming over the fence and everyone runs towards the boats, a man of the Nightswatch tells Jon that he has to go, but Jon says to take whoever's on the boat and to come back for him. That same guy had a hood on too, so I'm guessing he did the drop

As for the next episode and what is supposed to be Bolton vs Stannis, I'm hoping the big deal that was made of the Boltons and especially the Freys, who broke a huge rule about not killing guests to your home after offering bread and salt (or whatever it was) to the Starks, that there is SOME blow back on the Boltons.

Because the Southrons put up a wall that kept them up north in the cold with no defence against the walkers. All the good farming land, fishing, animals to hunt, etc. are all south of the Wall

I don't think he was serious. He's just trying to let her know conquering Westeros is going to be much, much harder than she expects. He didn't travel all the way to the other side of the world to just help her rule Slavers Bay

She may be just 5'9", and everyone else is just super short. Like seriously, I saw the Game of Thrones exhibit when it came to Vancouver, and they had the actual costumes from the set. Everyone is like 5'5" on average, including Jon Snow. Even the tallest characters like Brienne and the Hound were only around my

Maybe the WW King sensed what Jon was doing, and was worried about him leading all the free folk to the other side of the wall, which would leave him with far less mortals to convert to his zombie army, and decided to attack when he could before they reached the ships

Daario isn't acted poorly, I just think he's not written as strongly as some of the established characters around him

Yup, pretty much Pycell is the only remaining small council member, and he's pretty much useless. Guys like Varys, Littlefinger, Ser Barristan, Renley, Tyrion, Tywin, etc. are all either dead or not in Kings Landing anymore. All of them probably would have advised Tommen better than Cersei

It was interesting seeing Tommen have a Joffrey-esque tantrum, the actor did a great job mimicking some of the mannerisms. But of course he doesn't have the evilness inside him to go ahead with his threats that his brother had no problem doing.

Maybe Joffrey was convinced by LF to kill Ned to prove a point? Varys wouldn't want it to happen because he knows that would mean war, same with Pycell who has the Lannisters backing. And war is what LF & Lysa wanted between the North and South, to weaken everyone else while the Vale stayed out of it

I think it must, since I believe they talked about saving crops (which is also why the Tyrells are important) for winter. Not neccesarily the long winter coming, but winters in general. And they sometimes last more than a couple years. So it effects everyone. But the North moreso due to proximity

Question. Is the Red God/Faceless god that Jaqun H'gar talks about the same as the 'Lord of Light/R'hollar (sp?) that Melisandre and the red priests pray to? Because obviously the Red God gives you powers (Jaqun H'gar is a bad ass hitman that can change faces), and the Lord of Light the same (Thoros of Myr bringing

I would have felt the same way until the reveal that LF and Lysa were the ones who killed Jon Arryn and set in motion the who war between the Starks and Lannisters. If LF cared that much about Catelyn, he wouldn't have sent her people to war which could have gotten her killed at any point. His whole drive is power,