
Moat Cailin was shown just so Sansa could know that LF is sending her north. It's the gateway to the north from the Eerie/Riverlands. There's nothing really there other than a few Bolton men who took care of the Ironborn that were camped there last season. They saved about a months worth of travel and just showed them

I wonder if Jon knew that Janos Slynt betrayed Ned Stark, and pretty much led to him being beheaded in Kings Landing?

Am I the only one who really likes Davos? He's probably one of my favorite characters, the actor does such a great job. One of the only remaining 'good guys' left, and he's so loyal to Stannis. Yeah, Stannis can be a prick sometimes, but he is the one true king, like Davos says. He's the best PR guy you can have, and

And he didn't botch it up like Theon did. He had to take like 3 or 4 swipes before he beheaded that bearded guy that was the the master at arms or something for the Starks. Looking back, that guy just wouldn't belong in the last couple seasons of GoT…he was too honorable and old school.

I don't get why everyone loves Jenn. She just happened to be on a tribe
that people liked (with Joe and the rest of the no collars). I couldn't
stand her attitude for most of it, and she was a quitter, worse, a
quitter who pretended she wasn't. She was probably as miserable to be
around than the people just accuses of

How about the little bow that you put on presents that Mac put on her head when he wanted his dad to fall in love with her again

This show is so stupid and I'm glad it's over.

Exactly. People have mentioned a few times that had the writers not shown who murdered Tara, this season wouldn't have been so dumb. We'd understand why the gang was killing Chinese, and even Gemma talking to dead Tara could have been just her missing her daughter in law, rather than her conscious talking or whatever.

I just thought of this, if Gemma saw Chinese leaving Tara's house, didn't anyone question her why she never entered the house to see if Tara (and the kids? Not sure where they were at this point) was OK? Didn't Jax ask why she wasn't around by the time he got there? Or why she didn't call anyone telling them something

If this is true I almost want to stop watching this show. I'm only watching now so Gemma get's caught in her web of bs lies and gets killed. If that's not happening then I don't want to go through the aggravation of watching her get away with everything she's done. The more episodes that go by without her getting

Dexter writing got lazy to the point where Dexter would be following victims around and looking at them through a window in day light which is see through both ways. Well SoA isn't much better, within a week of a mass murder, Sons are still riding around on their loud ass motorcycles with their cuts on doing drive bys

This was such a perfect moment to move this story forward, I would actually care what happened the rest of the episode/season. But it's like Sutter doesn't even want Gemma looking bad, despite all the murders (including those inflicted on the gang, like the Diosa killings & the red shirt SAMCRO member shot at the gun

Nothing in this show makes sense. So like Bobby switching from a voice of reason to "I'll do anything Jax wants just because", I expect Marks to go from extremely powerful and careful over the past couple seasons to stupid and protected by 4 guards max when they finally defeat him.

So it wasn't just me. I had no idea what he told his cop gf, and didn't care enough to rewind. It was probably something like 'I promise we won't kill any black guys today and dump their bodies in public view'

They were making light of the brothel massacre 2 days after it happened. Dead whores, lolz

I never said it's what most of us are thinking. I said it's what alot of
people think, and if you don't believe that, then you're naive. And I
guess not everyone is an angel that always thinks rainbows and bunnies
like yourself.

So was no one willing to give John Rocker a second chance? I guess once you make a mistake, it's over, you'll always be 'that' guy? He was a roided up pitcher who hit fame incredibly fast and probably made a ton of money in a short period of time, felt on top of the world, and gave an interviewer I'm sure exactly what

And not in a vehicle with a known criminal of an organization linked with the brothel that got shot up

Why would Jax's plan include hoping that Lin doesn't shoot him in the face with his whole crew at his back? A normal Lin, who's gone as far as kill 16 innocent people for revenge, would probably torture Jax and Chibs to death immediately. But I guess the plan was to hope he doesn't???

They both went to the same school for shitty kid actors so they'll be bff's for life!