Kate Kulzick

Wipe warmer. I had to re-listen several times to catch it.

Thank you for your patience- I didn't get screeners for the last batch of episodes this season, hence the wee-hour reviews of late.

I look at it more as how Selina and her team view what happened, rather than the actual reality. They don't need a reason to hate on Jonah and are happy to have a scapegoat. Plus the reason he wasn't there ready and waiting to vote helps. I made my peace with the flawed logic behind Montez getting the presidency

Yeah, I'm good. (*meaningful glance*) Thanks.

I busted out laughing when I realized they were bringing that back.

I love that it's carrots that are a deal-breaker for Selina. (Carrots are a base flavor ingredient in every soup I've ever made.)

Dan at least appears to have relatively healthy/hearty genes, there's a 0% chance he'll actually want to be involved in the kid's life and make problems for them that way, and they probably figure they can nurture any gross Dan-ness he passes down out of their future kid.

Could be my Chicago bias, but that got me too. Sometimes it's the little things.

"Not today." That had to have been the high point of Mike's day.


Eventually they'll have to have O'Brien show up, right? I keep wondering when that'll be.

Thanks, pavlovsbell! Glad you enjoyed the reviews; it's been great to read everyone's thoughts about the season.

With layovers, customs, and the like, to get from the States to Cusco, you're pretty much looking at a day of travel, flying down to Florida or Texas, connecting to Lima, connecting to Cusco. I was confused when we cut right to Eddie in Cusco as well, but the VO from Cal specifying it was now Dec. 29th gives Eddie 3–4

That drove me nuts. And if her magical travel time wasn't enough, didn't she dig him up in the middle of winter when the ground should have been frozen (or am I misremembering)? Oh, Hannibal.

Thanks, pirate jenny! And I agree- the conversations in the comments have been great!

Victory! And having my nerdy music analysis even mentioned in the same sentence as Tom and Lorenzo's fantastic Mad Style posts is a huge compliment. Thank you!

I always enjoy Ben and Kent acknowledging each other's digs—the characters may insult each other constantly, but they (particularly Ben) also appreciate and commend the contributions of their fellow insulters, (almost) regardless of target.

(1) Thanks for the correction!

I also took "This is unacceptable" as Cal not wanting his future no. 2's family to be split up because they don't believe—wouldn't look good.

Hey da kine- Since you asked, the reason I write about the scoring for The Path is that I find it very interesting. A lot of TV has merely serviceable (or forgettable) scoring. I've been impressed by the work Will Bates is doing on this series and want to draw attention to the score and how it contributes to the