Obey The Toaster

I'm really stretching this one, but what the hell.

Pointer-Count: They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash.

Goddamit. Not only one of my favorite authors, but one of my biggest influences.

Oh, does he? Guess that falls under the "half-remembered" part.

No matter how many times I watch this episode, "Bacause… You listen" never fails to send a chill up my spine.

Todd's Embarrassing Story Corner

Because DC likes to watch us suffer.

Hopelessly devoted to him as ever, eh?

She had a vocal cameo in 2011's The Muppets, singing "Why don't you get things started?" to which Zach Galifinakis' hobo lip-synched.

I read that as "that whole taking-over-the-world thing," which had me wondering if Pinky and the Brain was based on some hidden history of the man.

Yeah, this is the first Embarrassing Story Corner that I really don't have anything for. I could stretch in some of the other ones, but here… I've just got nothing.

For me, one of the most dryly funny sequences in the whole episode is Lindsay trying to talk to Kim while also trying to explain the situation to her Spanish teacher en Español. I can't think of a better distillation of Lindsay's occupation of two worlds at the same time.

I watch that show.

The "butt-patter" montage deserves to be written about in a way that exposes the deep angst of children in transition and the bittersweet existentialism of an adult looking back on mistakes of the past.

All it takes is one bad Ann.

"Geez, this is some rough stuff, coach."

Gotham Central is amazing. Brubaker and Rucka working together is such a winning combination it's kind of unreal.

Yeah, all those people at the colony on the island created it. (The Indian artist lady can be seen drawing the squid at one point) It's why he killed them all, so no one would be able to share what they knew.

That's true, and it's interesting to see him balance his personal dislike and his professional appreciation of its importance.

It was the use of the word "pal" that made me laugh out loud, probably because for me it's just so tethered to bizarre Jimmy Olsen comics covers.