Obey The Toaster

…Yes, I believe it was. Well remembered.

Never watched that show, but good on them.

Here's the other thing… as much as I hated her in that moment, it was probably exactly what Will would have wanted. (You know, apart from not being shot.)

Fair point. I'm still waiting for a show that'll answer that comfort with "I don't care if they're happy in Heaven, I want them here instead!"

The best kind of show.

What would Zach have brought to the conversation from a dramatic perspective, though? Much as I think Grace's believes are often presented clumsily, they are a unique opposition to her mother's worldview.

The Britta of pastors, if you will.

That casting of Becky Ann Baker was brilliant, and the utter relentlessness with which she defended her client was infuriating in the best way possible.

I had that same feeling last week, when Kalinda told Alicia that Will was dead as everyone in the audience was cracking up at that speaker's routine. Receiving tragic news while everyone is enjoying themselves around you, it's the weirdest feeling.

He wasn't even fun to hate. I just wanted him to go away.

I cheered when Knox finally shuffled off his mortal coil. I really appreciated that it was so brutal and slow.

There's always hope that they'll start the next season with the Clue ending. "That's how it could have happened… Here's what really happened."


Perhaps. Detective Toaster is on the case!

I do like that, apparently even though Marshall has Sunshine on Leith on CD, they still only listen to that one song over and over again.

I'll be honest… I laughed way harder at "Zabka-tage" than I probably should have. I really wish they'd gone all the way and tried to recreate some of the video, but that may be a little much to ask of this show.

I wondered about that last week, too. Then I was told Mitch's pregnancy was added to accommodate Melissa George's actual pregnancy, so I'm not entirely sure anymore.

That whole storyline was the first stage of a malicious marketing ploy by Stew Leonard's.

I see the guys who wrote the episode titles for Clerks: The Animated Series have managed to find work. Good for them.

I'm sure there are many factors that make Brubaker's work so good, but to just pick one I'll go with his mastery of pacing.