Obey The Toaster

It's really alright, because I totally get it. I find the show completely fascinating, so I understand people revisiting the series wanting to compare notes and study the consequences of choices and actions and how everything fits together.

I just noticed there's alt-text attached to the picture. How long has that been going on?

Yes, yes I am. Though I've generally stopped reading the comments, since it seems most people have seen the show before and are discussing ahead. (99% of the time marked with SPOILERS, which I appreciate).

Another great thing about "The Ugly Truth": on the technical side it's a really interesting exploration on editing decisions. (Aside: I am aware this also applies to every aspect of filmmaking) Picking close ups to position a character as the 'main character' of a scene, how often to cut to other characters (and if

That's fascinating.

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus The owl gags are not what they seem…

I know, right?

I hate to admit it, but it took me two viewings to realize that the Macaws are named after Bogart and Bacall.

"Found them?! In Mercea? The coconut's tropical!…This is a temperate zone!"

Things get highly serialized in the next couple of episodes if I remember correctly, "Totem Mole" notwithstanding.

They should have brought Dr. Gamera, the station psychologist, into the situation. He's great with kids.

I know I won't be able to look back on the 2000s without associating it with "I'm On A Boat."

Not even the most patriotic American walks around listening to “The Star-Spangled Banned” on their iPod.

"Nowhere to Run" is a great song, setting some pretty dark lyrics against an insanely catchy track.

The saddest thing you will ever see is a mosquito sucking on a mummy. Forget it, little friend.

I absolutely agree with you. A sense of humor is absolutely essential to any good superhero story, because how else are you going to deal with the fact that everything is basically absurd. It's one of the things I like about Marvel comics, they've always seemed to have a more developed sense of humor than DC

"The dog with Crais is Talyn, right?"

"Corpsing" would be the hip theatre slang. 
Nice "Dissolve" plug.

I think the hoariness of the Russian jokes seeks to reinforce the genuineness (is that a real word?) of the scene where Jaye agrees to go out with Eric. In a romantic comedy that moment should be the Big Speech that wins the woman over, but there's no over-the-top super romantic speech here. It's a natural piece of

Dhavernas is clearly in on the joke, and I admire her commitment to making an absolutely terrible music video. Especially when she's walking in place and mouthing along with the lyrics. 
It's terrible and kind of adorable. Terradorable.