Obey The Toaster

The quality of the remaining episodes is truly spectacular, and in that way I can understand shuffling episodes like this towards the bottom when ranking the series, but just because it doesn't match the greatness of what comes next doesn't mean it's bad.

"For a hot young woman, she seems strangely asexual."

Wait, she was on that show?

I disagree, mostly.

Superior Spider-Man, or: Dan Slott Versus The Web-Heads.

I got Yahoo! to buy it, okay? You just have to give them time to make it completely undesirable. Remember, this is Yahoo!, they'll find a way.

Great issue! I like that Kate has her own nemesis now.

I liked the occasional inclusion of Cartoon Kate in the inner monologue boxes. Especially the section where it looked like her inner monologue was actively yelling at her for not making the smart choices. "CALL SOMEBODY!"

Technically there isn't.

McKelvie's art is captivating in a way that I can't quite put my finger on. It's relatively realistic, but still stylized, and formal without being stiff. The closest I can get to describing it is that it feels like self-aware pop art. Does that make any sense?

I bet "Don't Speak" as a musical number would kill.

@avclub-675cf4954ee45de77c149af8d2c8186f:disqus  Shouldn't all synchronized swimmers be of the exact same skill level? It would just seem weird to be better than everyone else at something you need to do identically as a group.

Clearly that talk show host is an Irken plant.

Isn't that kind of what he looked like in Daria's fantasy/nightmare of them as a couple in the future?

"Shouldn't we have someone playing Jodie?"
"Come on, no one remembers Jodie."
"I literally just asked about her."
"No one else will."
"Except for the people who remember the show… who are the people this joke is targeted at in the first place."

I liked it a lot. I haven't read much medieval(ish) fantasy, so it took a while to get used to the language, but I thought it was very good.

Fair point.

I know, right? There's gotta be some way to explain that, while it's a book with cancer in it, it's not a "cancer book," but I'll be damned if I can figure out how.

I've been managing a book a week for a while now. This month I read Ursula K. LeGuin's A Wizard of Earthsea, John Green's The Fault in Our Stars, Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw's Why Does E=mc2?, and I'm currently working through Chuck Klosterman's I Wear the Black Hat.

I later found out she was dating someone else (not on the swim team) and I kind of gave up my pining for her. No snippiness or self-pity, because at that point I had gotten used to disappointment when it came to girls I liked. The first girl I had a crush on, in Junior high, told me she was a lesbian. Then there was