Obey The Toaster

There's a difference between story and plot (as McKee will attest), and while I'll agree Woody's plots are rarely gripping, the stories are very good. They're largely character stories, so you're not thinking "What's going to happen next?" so much as "How is this character going to react to whatever happens next?"

I like to think there are two other high schools nearby similarly named for assassinated presidents.

Todd's Embarrassing Story Corner

It's like trying to come up with a title for the porn version of The Pianist.

The lack of 'C' is essential.

I sincerely hope there's an expansion of war-themed foods. War chips, war chicken wings, war burger. Perhaps we could get Ozzy Osbourne to shill for War Pigs-In-A-Blanket.

I don't know if I missed it in an earlier episode's comments section, so forgive me if I'm repeating what's already been established, but I think it's an interesting twist on Arrested Development's incest theme that George-Michael is in a relationship with a woman who reminds his father of his late wife. I wonder what

"Kids, the 1950s were a time of recovery in Japan. The war was over, economic recovery was just under way, and in 1953 we got television for the first time. Everything seemed to be going great. I was living off the coast of Odo Island at the time, when there was a big nuclear explosion. I mean huge. So I decided to

Worst five bucks he's ever spent…

By my count, that's probably about six or seven people, including us.

Wow, three in the production order, huh? Damn.
I wonder if this episode would be better liked if it came earlier in the show's run (or, in the present case, on the DVDs).

Clearly that judge was possessed by the ghost of Dave Berg, getting in one last "The Lighter Side…" punchline before drifting back into the land of the dead.

That would surely lead to critical mass neuroses.


It's okay, the "Safety Canary" episode of Wonderfalls used that joke, too, so there's precedent.

I have trouble reading people. Apparently there have been girls that liked me that I only found out about after the fact, when other people told me. (Somewhat hilariously, this often extends to other areas of my life as well. For example, I had no idea that half of my graduating class would get together and smoke pot.

Sure there is. You just have to be a Lannister.

The Muppets transcend "cool" as a concept.

That's a bit harsh. I mean, does a lack of moral responsibility and social conscience really make someone a sociopath? Or are those just fancy words to describe a teenager?

I was thinking of Lindsay throwing off her army jacket while dancing with Eli, but it's the same dance.