Obey The Toaster

Top 9 Responses To This Comment Using Only Movie/TV Stills.

I like the fact that Styx provides the soundtrack for two benchmark moments for Lindsay in the series (I honestly can't remember if there's anymore Styx). More than that, I like how they both score moments of a person letting their guard down, but to opposite effects.

Liam Neeson stars in Taken 3: Carmen Sandiego

Bill Nye is mankind's greatest achievement.

Oregon Trail taught me that dysentery is a death sentence.

The best thing about Double Dare were the insane, but incredibly creative physical challenges. I like to think that's what a game show created by Salvador Dali might look like.

Holy shit, Ghostwriter! I haven't thought of that in forever.

Different things. The live action show was a game show.

No one tell Yakko Warner about updated maps. He has nightmares enough as it is.

She'll take you for a ride on a slow boat to China

Monday through Friday at five!

Fuckin' A.

I can't believe they licensed "I Don't Like Mondays" as the theme song.

"You come at Carmen, you'd best know your geography."

I was going to say, that reaction is actually rather good-humored and self-aware. Almost like he's learned something from the last controversy he got himself mixed up in and chose his words carefully.

What I like about Silk Spectre and Minutemen is that they're filling in stories for characters who mostly only got very broad strokes in the original work. There was conceivably new information to uncover.

It's the fact that those robotic punk girls keep smiling even as their faces slide back to release the gas that really gets to me.

There were lyrics but, like the Star Trek theme, Wagner found the piece played better without them.

@avclub-6307a12d5c9e2fb5f23518a9a0ee8dd1:disqus @Chryso42:disqus  It's hard to say if the "official" contents of the books are the same, given that they both have a hand-written quality. The warning about Bill was definitely an addition by whoever owned Dipper's book, though, given the different color and font. 

Maybe, but he doesn't need to know how to read to know that he's loved.