Obey The Toaster

"Oh, is it? I hadn't noticed."

I'm similarly iffy about some of Cooke's decisions in Minutemen. That being said, at least it was interesting, and I appreciate that it represented Cooke's unique point of view.

I feel like my entire senior year of high school is just one long "good kid being bad in the most pathetic way possible" story. It's a bunch of little things that aren't strong enough to be stories on their own, and in hindsight play like a series of tangentially-connected jokes.

Freaks and Geeks is the kind of show that cares so much about everything it gives the songs on its soundtrack a story arc.

Great moment I haven't seen anyone mention yet: the way Sam completely ignores Cindy's "Hi, Sam" while he and the other Geeks are following Maureen in the hallway. He doesn't even turn his head.

Yes, yes we are.

Some of those chords are really hard.

I just realized Trace Beaulieu is apparently in several episode of this show, though I admit I can't recognize him without the green-rimmed glasses and the Einstein-styled hair.

Here's how he did it: they were already gay.

But not as suggestive if you had said "he let me pound his bass drum"

I loved the mariachi reveal. Now that I think about it, it's the second gag (that I can remember) about revealing soundtrack music to actually be diegetic (the other being Michael and his crew walking through the Imagine Entertainment lobby).

Oh, @avclub-912a96819c9a3f09a4217e7dbb4d3e74:disqus , it's really very simple. The Smoke Monster is a metaphysical representation of man's darker nature. Let me back up, see, there was this pregnant woman who gave birth to twins, but she was murdered by Allison Janney. Let me back up again. You see, the show really

So did I, @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus . So did I.

It doesn't take much to make Alan Moore angry.

They're really good. It's especially entertaining, if you aren't familiar with works of the time period, to find a reference guide on-line and watch them break down some of the obscure and subtle references Moore packs throughout.

Oh, man, I love JL8. Thanks for the link with the larger images.

G-Mo's Action Comics run is completely bonkers. Sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't, but it's usually highly entertaining.

She's more Stop Sign now than Wall.

I've railed against the reboot and the objectification of Amanda Waller before (and I probably will again), but for now I'm going to point out a few places where DC is actually putting out tolerable content.

Or if it turned out that Mr. Freeze wasn't driven mad trying to find a cure for the love of his life, but instead just developed a weird stalker crush on some woman he had never even spoken to.