Obey The Toaster

Maybe she goes to the movies? I'm thinking of the time Power Girl and Terra did that during the Palmieri/Gray/Conner run.

@avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus That's probably for the best. People in the Marvel Universe have it hard enough without not being able to unwind with a drink or two. (And speaking of Claremont, wasn't Carol Danvers an alcoholic once upon a time?)

I'm actually a huge fan of the idea put forward in the most recent Captain America movie that, because their metabolism is so accelerated, superheroes are incapable of getting drunk. But only because I find it hilarious.

And yet I'm sure that DC is still scratching their heads over why Hawk & Dove drawn (and later written) by Rob Liefeld bombed so badly.

Huh… Shows what I know.

Good guitar player, too.

I'm trying to think of the last HBO show that didn't get at least two seasons before getting canceled. I mean, there was Luck, but they had a second season deal made before they got shut down for killing all those horses.

Is it just me, or was Tom's wardrobe reminiscent of Phineas and Ferb? It would actually make a huge amount of thematic sense, given that both shows are about redefining the family unit and both prominently feature American and British co-mingling. 
(Also wouldn't be the first time Guest has highlighted a popular

It's a Titmas miracle!

I will not follow you down that rabbit hole. (RIMSHOT!)

I haven't seen a book-slaying that senseless since Serenity.

Throughout junior high I would draw cartoons on my tests when I was done with them. Not doodles, mind you, but single panel cartoons with captions that either riffed on a particular question or on the general subject of the test. Most of the teachers accepted it, I think a few even enjoyed it. 
(On a final exam in

So are/were group showers after gym actually a thing?

he must know what a pity kiss it was

No, @avclub-9b60cf1b2106f886f17cba2b1a0359b9:disqus ! We do not negotiate with cookie terrorists!

Look, if Fox News has taught us nothing else it's that you can be an ineffectual lame duck and an iron-fisted dictator at the same time.

That was a thing that happened? Holy crap, I have to go find that now.

I still think the funniest thing about this movie is the fact that its trailer is scored with an Eminem song. I realize they all but cut out the lyrics, but still…

@avclub-5c7646b1d39fc0715f330479e4e5f254:disqus @avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus Wow, I honestly don't remember The Question showing up in any New 52 Batwoman. Then again, I have a hard time retaining much of anything from that book. 
Benching Renee Montoya exemplifies one of the big reasons I largely

Actually, according to Dan DiDido way back in 2011, Renee Montoya isn't dead, though he also said that she wasn't going to be a superhero. So… there's that.