Obey The Toaster

Excellent review.

Now that you mention it, Erik, it occurs to me that much of Tom and Pete's relationship is Tom trying to shut Pete down. Whether it's Pete not getting that the kindly old woman they're talking to is a lesbian or trying to affect a Jamaican (?) accent on their visit to the boxing gym, so many of the jokes when it comes

I've never heard an Aboriginal or South African accent, but what it reminded me of personally was this (purposefully) bad Southern accent from the Firesign Theatre album How Can You Be In Two Places At Once When You're Not Anywhere At All.

"Like the guy with the giant stack of money is going to trade for goods and services. Come on!"

Yeah, TV depictions of professions are awful, and especially baffling since they bother with the pretense of hiring consultants.

The Keedva is what I imagine Ro-Man from Robot Monster would look like without the helmet.

That camp scene is amazing, and I think it's kind of funny that Pixar has a really solid understanding of what makes an effective horror movie.

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus Soos: This is my design, dude… the rays indicate friendship.

That whole poker sequence was pretty great.
"I've been cheating for the last eight rounds"
"That's my girl."

Disney lawyers are sneaky, and experts in the art of camouflage. You'll never see the "Cease and Desist" coming until it's been served to you and witnessed.

I wonder if, when you count up the days or weeks between episode premieres, if it will reveal a secret message.

Everyone knows film is superior to digital. It's a much warmer feel or whatever such junk people use to justify using inferior/outdated technology.

Really? Darker than "I ate a man alive tonight"?

Lazarus was a great start to what I think will be a pretty amazing series, and Wood's X-Men was a hell of a lot of fun.

I wish she was making her first appearance in Season 3! Then we'd have at least three seasons of this show!

True, though it is the first muse to speak on-screen and it's the only one that speaks in the "present" as it were.

Kate Finneran was also on The Inside…

Classic muse behavior, pouring on the psychological torment so you can be truly happy down the road.

Yeah, losing the chance to really explore the other characters stings. I think it was on the commentary for this episode Fuller mentions that Karen is a closet democrat, and that every member of the family had a secret they were hiding. I love that they cared enough to give characters traits that they weren't planning

"What do we admire about Angelina Jolie?"