My My My

Australia? Kirby, does the Navy still transport people to Australia?
Dave, Kirby doesn't think the Navy transports people to Australia anymore.

The problem with me and watching things on the computer is that I can never just sit there and look at it like it's a TV, I always end up reading/typing something or playing a game in another window, and then I'm listening to the show instead of watching it. I don't think the Internet has ruined my attention span in

"And because both cars were made by GM… were both cars available in metallic mint green?"
"They WUH!"

Now I'm mad at myself for never having thought of this.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus She's a Sim?

Yeah. They've turned into one of those TV couples where every time they have a scene together, it's about the state of the relationship. Even Mary and Matthew don't have that problem. At least Anna occasionally gets other stuff to deal with on her own time, but everything Bates does is another case of quietly

Yeah, I've never watched a second of this show and never plan to, I just come to these pages faithfully to watch the drama unfold, but now that there's a second person willing to play Todd's role in the proceedings, I too have to ask. Even if the two of you are right about the nature of the show, since when is it

Or, for people who can read: this particular plot device is bad because it makes no sense.

…by someone who thinks kids only enjoy simplistic, cheesy concepts.

@avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus The kid had noticed it glowing when his mother was hugging them. That's why he got out of bed to investigate.

I wondered about the crew too. And yeah, I'm sorry, I don't mean to cramp anybody's Christmas merriment, but I can't believe there are very many people who were actually surprised when he came back at the end.

Christmas trees are Rapture-ready.

"Clearly, Field Marshal Haig is about to make another gargantuan effort to move his drinks cabinet six inches closer to Berlin."

Sounds like a job for…!

Jimmy "Jax" Pinchak is actually my favorite. So his given name is Jimmy, but he has a nickname?

In band one day in high school, we were all talking about Christmas movies, and our teacher overheard us and suddenly went off on a rant about how It's a Wonderful Life is a horrible movie and he could never understand why it was considered this warm, fuzzy holiday classic. So we asked him what the hell he was talking

The newspaper with the headline "NICENESS UP 40%" is my Facebook picture.

My older sister used to tempura-paint a Grinch in her bedroom window every year, with the Santa hat. She could do a great Grinch.

Dear Professor Nabokov,