My My My

And the fact that Vorenus's kids stay the same ages for decades of history while, for instance, Caesarion is born and grows to be older than two of them.

I just got done rewatching Rome, which I would definitely put in this category. It's a little crazy how it mixes not just stupid, but soapy/cartoonish, elements — Vorenus and Pullo turning out to be personally responsible for half the major events of that chunk of Roman history, and the timeline, which is completely

Even the racist Kramer doll is selling more than something that can only repeat, “Are you ’avin’ a laugh?”

Exaggerating or otherwise tweaking events for the sake of drama is pretty much standard practice in works based on real life.

Trust the audience to have a sense of perspective and an understanding of things like chronology and cause and effect?

David Steinberg used to have that talk show where he interviewed comedians, and in the one with Jon Stewart, he told him a story about how he had a bit about Nixon's face looking like a foot, which Nixon hated, and one day before a gig he got a visit in his hotel room from some FBI agents, who told him they'd gotten a

"Go to your room!… GO TO YOUR ROOM!… I'm really glad that worked. Those would have been terrible last words."

Janeane Garofalo as the grief counselor in the episode of Strangers with Candy where Jerri's father is eaten by dogs.


Stanley Keyworth from The West Wing.

Most natural-sounding line in the movie: Allison Janney saying "East Jesus Nowhere" as a less profane alternative to the standard "East Bumfuck."

They waited until Life of Brian to start worrying about that?

Obviously it's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturers of… dairy products.

Oh, it's the meek! "Blessed are the meek!" Oh that's nice, isn't it? I'm glad they're getting something, because they have a hell of a time.

Oh, what a giveaway!

I'm sorry. I can't live knowing Ted Danson makes that much more than me. Who's he?
He's somebody.
What about me?
You're nobody.
Why him? Why not me?
He's good, you're not.
I'm better than him!
You're worse. Much, much worse.

I love, love, love the idea of two people facing off in front of a panel of judges to determine who's had the shittier life, with an actual reward at stake.

It's in my book, Astonishing Tales of the Sea.

And now, the airing of grievances.

Pleee, ee-ee-ee-ee-eeee, ee-ee-ee-ee-eeee, ee-ease be patient.
An angel will be with thee shortly.